EMQuon — The Early Modern Quarantine Conference

With so many conferences cancelled these days Joe Saunders had a particularly refreshing idea to be played out on the internet: To host the first Early Modern Quonference on Twitter.

We have decided to join the event with a call for data to present in a special data drive session on the event.

Whom would we like to attract? With a deadline on May 1st all those who should have data at their fingertips. If you have data silently passing away on old spreadsheets, decomposing on massive antiquated hard disc drives, rotting on databases islands without a download button… this is the moment to fuse them into the collaborative resource and to check whether we cannot link them to far more data on the growing community platform.

This is Joe’s announcement

The Early Modern Quarantine Conference


A forum to promote the exchange of ideas and fostering debate for early modern historians during the coronavirus shutdown of 2020.


Quelle: https://blog.factgrid.de/archives/1848


Celebrating FactGrid Q100000: Conrad Alexandre Gérard

Silently and without any fanfare we have passed the 100,000 mark on FactGrid! The item in question is a person: Conrad Alexandre Gérard. In a way he is the perfect candidate to mark this occasion. FactGrid has been diving into networks obscure and less obscure, and Gerard travels on both sides of this distinction: The first French ambassador to the United States and a person interested in Mesmerism, the world of miraculous cures based on “animal magnetism” in the 1780s. Our project started with the German Illuminati and spread into Freemasonry. In doing so, it broadened its scope to include France and England. Gerard is again a perfect representative of this outlook: born in Masevaux, France, in 1729 he pursued a diplomatic career that brought him to Mannheim and Vienna and eventually to the young United States of America. If our hopes are fulfilled, we will follow in his tracks and extend ourselves westwards and across the Atlantic over the next year.

The 100.


Quelle: https://blog.factgrid.de/archives/1808


Eine Sitzung der Gothaer Illuminaten von 1786 — rekonstruiert für die “Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften” der Uni Erfurt, 2019

Am 8. November 2019 inszenieren Mitarbeiter und Promovierende des Forschungszentrums Gotha anlässlich der Erfurter “Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften” 2019 eine Sitzung des Illuminatenordens aus dem Jahr 1786 – eine Zeitreise und ein Blick in den geheimnisumwobene Alltag des Ordens. Wenn die Illuminaten auch ein Geheimorden waren und wenn freimaurerische Sitzungen auch die Öffentlichkeit ausschließen, so sind wir im doch Rückblick ausnehmend gut in der Lage, zu erfassen, was in Sitzungen zumindest der letzten Ordensprovinz Ionien (Thüringen) in den 1780er Jahren geschah. Der Orden hatte eine ausgefeilte Bürokratie. Man protokollierte die Sitzungen. Die Rituale waren dabei an der Freimaurerei geschult, die man von zwei Seiten (mit der „Pflanzschule“ der „Minervalkirchen“ von unten und mit „Magistratssitzungen“ von oben) Loge nach Loge im deutschsprachigen Raum infiltrierte. Wir sind Stefan Sarrach von der Deutschen Mutterloge “Zu den Drei Weltkugeln” dankbar. Er warf mit uns einen Blick in die „Rituale“, die vorgaben, wie Sitzungen regulär zu gestalten waren. Die Bewegungen und Handlungsschritte blieben hier mit Wissen des Freimaurers zu erschließen.


Quelle: https://blog.factgrid.de/archives/1756


Wikibase Inspiration Panel at WikidataCon, Berlin, 2019-10-25

The recent WikidataCon in Berlin had a special panel on Wikibase installations outside Wikidata. Below the video recording of the session embedded from https://media.ccc.de/

This is the list of the talks with the list of the speakers:

  1. Anila Angjeli + Benjamin Bober, Assessing Wikibase as the core of the French National Entities file
  2. Barbara Fischer + Sarah Hartmann, Authority control meets Wikibase – The German National Library and Wikimedia Deutschland Quest
  3. David Fichtmueller, Using Wikibase as a Platform to Develop a Semantic Biodiversity Standard
  4. Stuart Prior, Wikibase and building a community in Artists’s Publishing
  5. Olaf Simons, Using a Wikibase platform outside the Wikidata environment – why it is cool and where things get difficult

  6. [...]

Quelle: https://blog.factgrid.de/archives/1835


Wikidata & Wikibase for national libraries: the inaugural meeting

At the 2019 Wikimania conference, Europeana – a Europe-wide digital cultural platform – held several associated events, including the inaugural meeting of national libraries which work directly with Wikidata and its underlying software Wikibase. The event was organized by Liam Wyatt in his professional role as Europeana’s Wikipedia liaison. This article was also written in that role and originally published at the Europeana blog.
In his other role as a Wikipedia volunteer he is usually called Wittylama. He is one of the founders of Project GLAM and the original Wikipedian-in-Residence – as a volunteer. Also in this role he was program chairman of Wikimania 2019 –S

At the forefront of innovation

Architectural detail at the reading room, National Library of Sweden

As Wikidata becomes an increasingly large, densely connected, web of linked data, the cultural heritage sector is leveraging the platform more and more. None more so than national libraries, who have been at the forefront of innovations. Thirty institutional representatives participated in this meeting from three continents.

The meeting began with a series of short demonstration talks from institutions already working with Wikidata and Wikibase in-house.


Quelle: https://blog.factgrid.de/archives/1732


The Illuminati Correspondence Fast Forward

Paul-Olivier Dehaye scripted this visualisation for us – capturing the data of the Illuminati correspondence from the 1770s into the 1790s (there are some misfits in the visualisation which we can sudden spot and which need to be eliminated in the database, the visualisation is more of an aging screenshot of the database at the moment).

< click to play>

The idea to represent letters in lines on a map with a timeline on which the user can pick a segment that can then be shifted through the timeline – has become a classic over the last years: The Stanford Republic of Letters project seems to have been the first to come up with this visualisation ten years ago

Nodegoat is offering this kind of visualisation to anyone who opens an account with them.

The visualisation is cool for correspondences since letters happen to travel on maps from senders to recipients (or multiple recipients in case they are forwarded).


Quelle: https://blog.factgrid.de/archives/1695


FactGrid FAQ

  1. Warum sollte ich das FactGrid für die eigene Forschung benutzen?

Warum sollte ich das FactGrid für die eigene Forschung benutzen?

Dafür spricht erstens die unschlagbar flexible Softaware – Wikibase  -, die wir im Pilotprojekt mit Wikimedia Deutschland bahnbrechend außerhalb ihres eigentlichen Orts, Wikidata, zum Laufen brachten.

  • Sie suchen eine Software, die praktisch jede gängige Sprache spricht, und in der sich Daten in jeder Sprache eingeben und in danach in beliebigen anderen Sprachen ausgeben lassen? Wikibase ist diese Software.
  • Sie suchen eine Software, in der sie ein ganzes Team koordinieren können? In Wikibase ist das so einfach wie in der Wikipedia Software MediaWiki.


Quelle: https://blog.factgrid.de/archives/1559


Memorandum of Understanding between the University of Erfurt and the German National Library – to base the FactGrid on GND data in a joint project

We are proud to announce a new and massive Wikibase project that will keep a big community busy for far more than a year: Last month the president of the University of Erfurt, Prof. Dr. Walter Bauer-Wabnegg, and Dr. Elisabeth Niggemann, director-general of the German National Library in Frankfurt and Leipzig (DNB) signed a memorandum of understanding that aims to bring GND data into the FactGrid – on a large scale.

The GND, the Integrated Authority File, is an authority file for millions of persons plus corporate bodies, conferences and events, geographic Information, topics and works – designed to harmonise the exchange between libraries, archives and academic projects in the DACH countries, Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

To have the GND inside had been our constant topic over the last year. A Wikibase instance is a cool thing to contribute to as soon as it is the research tool you yourself would use in your research. GND data link into the world of open data, they clarify who or what you are speaking of in your research in all German language contexts – and they will reach out the other global authority files and to the universe of library data.


Quelle: https://blog.factgrid.de/archives/1527


Memorandum of Understanding zwischen der Universität Erfurt und der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek – das FactGrid wird in einem Gemeinschaftsprojekt auf GND-Daten aufgesetzt

Zwölf spannende Monate neuer Herausforderung stehen vor dem FactGrid-Projekt: Mit ihren Unterschriften vom 15. und 25. März 2019 stellten sich der Präsident der Universität Erfurt, Prof. Dr. Walter Bauer-Wabnegg, und Dr. Elisabeth Niggemann als Generaldirektorin der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek in Frankfurt und Leipzig, hinter ein Memorandum of Understanding, das in großem Umfang GND-Daten ins FactGrid bringen soll – Daten zu mehreren Millionen Personen und Körperschaften. Noch ist nicht klar, aus welcher Datenquelle wir die Ortsinformationen einspielen werden, die wir zudem benötigen werden.

Für die FactGrid-Projektbeteiligten lag hier noch nach der ersten Erkundung Software das entscheidende Desiderat: Eine Wikibase-Instanz wird zum interessanteren Werkzeug, wenn sie Benutzern Recherchen abnimmt und Wissen anbietet auf das Forschung unmittelbar aufbauen kann. Die GND stand im selben Moment als die Datenquelle im Raum, aus der Geisteswissenschaften im deutschsprachigen Raum sich ohnehin zu bedienen hätten.


Quelle: https://blog.factgrid.de/archives/1475
