Januar 31, 2011, 11:00 pm, Cairn.info - Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine, Allgemein.
Page 7 à 29 : Marjorie Meiss-Even – Les chevaux des Guise | Page 30 à 50 : Yann Lignereux – Le visage du roi, de François Ier à Louis XIV | Page 51 à 71 : Aude Musin, Michel Nassiet – Les récits de rémission en Anjou | Page 72 à 96 : Sandro Guz…
Philippe Despoix This essay focuses on the interaction between the new reproduction media and corresponding reconfiguration of research fields
in anthropology using the case of the “techniques of the body” – a concept developed by Mar…
Adam Ries wrote the most popular German textbook on arithmetics in Early Modern History, Rechenung auf der linihen vnd federn (Calculations with the Computing Table and with Numerals). This contribution takes a systematic look at the didactic benefits
Der Nordpol als Aufmerksamkeitsmagnet
Content Type Journal ArticleCategory Sammelbesprechungen/Essay ReviewsPages 537-544DOI 10.1007/s00048-010-0041-2Authors
Christian Holtorf, Stiftung Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Abteilung Wissenschaft, Lingnerplatz …
Abstract After the Seven Years War, the Prussian administration launched a campaign for useful knowledge and scientific education of
state officials. This essay scrutinizes efforts undertaken around 1770 by the Central Prussian Administrati…
Content Type Journal ArticleCategory Rezensionen/ReviewsPages 545-568DOI 10.1007/s00048-010-0042-1
Journal NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und MedizinOnline ISSN 1420-9144Print ISSN 0036-6978
Abstract During its career in North American social sciences and anthropology since the late 1960s the concept of ‘biomedicine’ acquired
a large variety of meanings, sometimes even contradictory ones. Originating in research on biologic…
Januar 6, 2011, 3:12 pm, tobwul, Allgemein.
Januar 6, 2011, 2:35 pm, Francia-Recensio, Allgemein.
Januar 6, 2011, 2:35 pm, Francia-Recensio, Allgemein.