Archiv für März 2012

Le réseau politique d’un évêque de l’Antiquité tardive: les correspondants laïcs de Théodoret de Cyr (393-vers 460)

The correspondence of Theodoret of Cyrrhus allows a study of the relations between the Syrian bishop of the 5th century and about fifty laymen. In his theological writings, Theodoret criticizes the profane culture, but he abundantly corresponds with sc…

Captivity and Slavery among the Saracens in Late Antiquity (ca. 250-630)

Cet article examine le phénomène de la prise de captifs et la détention d’esclaves parmi les Sarrasins, les Arabes nomades qui habitaient les déserts de Syrie et d’Arabie et le territoire de steppe en marge des empires romain et perse, ainsi qu…

La rilettura cristiana dei miti pagani

The function of mythology in early Christianity is usually considered under two points of view. First, the ancient myths are exempla: through the interpretatio christiana they can be read as allegories of Christian ideas (Plato and other philosophers h…

Christian Images in the Home

Cet article traite de la fonction des thèmes de l’imagerie chrétienne en contexte domestique, en se concentrant sur les images permanentes: mosaïques, peintures murales et sculptures architecturales. Après identification, trois catégories princi…

L’image du dédicant dans l’édifice cultuel (IVe-VIIe s.): aux origines de la visualisation d’un pouvoir de concession divine

After a quick survey of classical forerunners of the founder/dedicator’s figuration, this paper successively deals with the occurrences still preserved to-day (or documented by texts) in Christian context, from 4th to 7th century: so, we are almost e…

La vaisselle précieuse à décor chrétien: un répertoire original?

Between the 4th and the 7th century, secular, but also mythological decoration flourish mainly on silver plates; it is therefore legitimate to question about the nature of Christian images on such objects, whatever is their function, for liturgical ser…

Le décor figuré des édifices ecclésiaux

The aim of this paper is to show the evolution of the painted and mosaic pictures in Early Christian churches. Even, if at least one the room of the Theodorian church in Aquileia is to be dated in the years 310-320, it seems that the painted decoration…

La place du décor sculpté figuratif ou symbolique dans les édifices cultuels chrétiens de l’Antiquité tardive

Ubiquitous in Antiquity’s monumental landscape, figurative sculpture — especially statues – experienced an undeniable decline in the early christian times. Above all, figurative sculpture was largely neglected in the adornment of religious buildi…

Apses, Icons and ‘Image Propaganda’ before Iconoclasm

Dans l’art chrétien du début du IIe siècle, les images étaient encore acceptées et diffusées – quoique de manière non exclusive – par des personnes privées, en particulier dans le domaine funéraire (sarcophages, cubicula dans les catacombe…

La pittura e la scultura funerarie: Tangenze e divergenze nel processo di formazione del repertorio paleocristiano

The transmission lines of the subjects within the funerary art of early Christian period have often taken similar paths both in painting and in sculpture, as long as they complied with the main funeral theme, where the concepts of afterlife or the vari…