The aim of this article is not to sketch out a history of food
practices in Senegal. However, in order to understand today
the construction of a national food identity through food
literature, it seemed necessary to take into account the colonial
context because it still has a tremendous influence on the
representation of food among our contemporary Senegalese
informants. Inventorying a corpus of so-called “Senegalese”
food books both in Senegal and Europe highlights the slipperiness
of identity markers through food according to contexts
and authors. And it questions the criteria for acceptance of
such dishes. The notion of “authenticity”, which is often used
to ensure the legitimacy of a dish, will also be questioned.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Category Original
- Pages 261-305
- DOI 10.1484/J.FOOD.1.102702
- Authors
The paper surveys the inventories of Italian food heritage
since the country’s unification in 1861. Alongside this examination,
that pays attention to the approach and method of
these narratives, the presumed ideologies are analysed, which
the “culinary censuses” undoubtedly included. As a matter of
fact, these inventories inform about the history of the Italian
peninsula. The structures, contents and aims are largely
determined by the intellectual, political and social context of
the day. Lists of agricultural products of all regions of Italy,
panoramas of Italy’s gourmandises, tools for developing the
tourist industry, channels for valorising local products and
know how, and contributions to the national heritage : these
culinary inventories had indeed many and diverse functions.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Category Original
- Pages 153-172
- DOI 10.1484/J.FOOD.1.102697
- Authors
This article offers a critical examination of a geographically
based inventory put together in Lebanon linking landscapes
and “food heritage”. This systemic approach, which attempts
to explain the links between products, producers and landscapes
suggests that territories are the product of a specific rural
economy which only finds a distant echo in the organisational
structure of modern agrosystems.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Category Original
- Pages 221-238
- DOI 10.1484/J.FOOD.1.102700
- Authors
- Lucile Garçon
- Rami Zurayk
This contribution aims to examine the influence of political
institutions on typical food products. It provides a
of the data collected in the Inventory of Swiss
Culinary Heritage. We show that two of those institutions,
political territoriality and sectoral public policies, are likely to
decisively shape such products. Thus, we propose a new extension,
from a neo-institutionalist perspective, for a constructive
analysis of typical food products.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Category Original
- Pages 199-219
- DOI 10.1484/J.FOOD.1.102699
- Authors
The Inventory of Swiss Culinary Heritage (2005-2008)
made it possible to advance knowledge in this field in a unique
way. However, most of the questions relating to the maintenance
of this inventory, and further scientific research into
culinary heritage and the socio-economic effects of this project
remain, up to now, without clear answers. This situation
may be explained by a confusion between the inventory as an
object, and the inventory as a project, in a context of heritage
policy that has undergone profound change over three decades.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Category Original
- Pages 173-198
- DOI 10.1484/J.FOOD.1.102698
- Authors
- Erik Thévenod-Mottet
- Carine Cornaz Bays
Our article focuses on the significant issues underlying the
symposium “Compiling a food heritage inventory: existing
knowledge, methods and perspectives” which was held in Tours
in 2009. As a consequence of the generalized heritagisation process
This article places Horace, Satire II 8 in its literary, historical
and political context. The poet ironically describes the
luxurious feast given by a certain Nasidienus to Maecenas the
friend of Augustus and patron of Horace. The ridiculous feast
is …
The eating habits of pagans, Jews and Christians in Antiquity
were determined by religious taboos and cultural preferences.
Food-related customs connected those who shared them, and
confirmed their identities as individuals and as a collectivity.
At th…
The Franciscan monk William of Rubrouk narrates, meticulously
and in great detail, his long voyage between 1253 and 1255
in central Asia, which took him all the way to Karakorum at
the court of Möngke-Kahn. When describing Mongolian dietary
habits, if…
Front Matter („Title page“, „Editorial Board“, „Copyright page“, „Table of Contents“)
Content Type Journal ArticleCategory OriginalPages i-vi
Journal Food and HistoryPrint ISSN 1780-3187
Journal Volume Volume 9
Journal Issue Volume 9, Num…