Archiv für Juni 2012

Bread for Gods and Kings: On Baked Products in Profane and Cultic Consumption of Ancient Assyria

This study sheds light on the Assyrian bread-making based
on the evidence provided by cuneiform sources of the first
millennium BC. Baked products, in form of bread and cakes,
characterize the food consumption of both profane and cultic
contexts of the…

Die Rolle politischer Mythen für das moderne ‘nation building’. Wie die Aura deutscher Städte unser Selbstverständnis prägt

The article devotes to the german legends and on the basis of the concrete examples of Weimar, Nuremberg and Dresden the impact of the aura from these cities on modern nation building in the 20th and 21st century will be investigated.

Schools in the landscape: Localism, cultural tradition, and the development of Alabama’s public education system, 1865-1915

Paedagogica Historica, Volume 0, Issue 0, Page 1-3, Ahead of Print.

Hoffnungsträger Hollande

Nicht Griechenland, sondern Frankreich erlebte am Abend des 17. Juni eine historische Zäsur, die jene des ersten sozialistischen Wahlsiegers François Mitterrand noch übersteigt:…

The enchantment of place: Mary Butts, Wessex, and interwar neo-romanticism

National Identities, Volume 14, Issue 2, Page 157-172, June 2012.


National Identities, Volume 14, Issue 2, Page 189-206, June 2012.

Staging the nation at expos and world’s fairs

National Identities, Volume 14, Issue 2, Page 173-188, June 2012.

Power differentials and identity formation: Images of self and other on the Russian–Georgian boundary

National Identities, Volume 14, Issue 2, Page 139-155, June 2012.

Rethinking nationalism and an appellative conundrum: historiography and politics in Iraq

National Identities, Volume 14, Issue 2, Page 115-138, June 2012.

Die Linkspartei und ihre demokratische Wende

Die Schlacht ist geschlagen, die neue Parteiführung gewählt. Fest steht: Der Parteitag von Göttingen war ein Einschnitt in der noch jungen Geschichte des Projekts Linkspartei. Doc…