Archiv für Juni 2012

Book Review: David Palumbo-Liu, Bruce Robbins, and Nirvana Tanoukhi, eds. Immanuel Wallerstein and the Problem of the World: System, Scale, Culture.

Peter Wagner

The American Historical Review, Volume 117, Issue 3, Page 822-823, June 2012.

Book Review: Jeremy Black. Fighting for America: The Struggle for Mastery in North America, 1519–1871.

James D. Drake

The American Historical Review, Volume 117, Issue 3, Page 824, June 2012.

Book Review: Rebecca T. Alpert. Out of Left Field: Jews and Black Baseball.

Amy Bass

The American Historical Review, Volume 117, Issue 3, Page 870-871, June 2012.

From Optic to Topic: The Foreclosure Effect of Historiographic Turns

Gary Wilder

The American Historical Review, Volume 117, Issue 3, Page 723-745, June 2012.

Book Review: Sarah B. Snyder. Human Rights Activism and the End of the Cold War: A Transnational History of the Helsinki Network.

Max Paul Friedman

The American Historical Review, Volume 117, Issue 3, Page 830-831, June 2012.

Book Review: William J. Mello. New York Longshoremen: Class and Power on the Docks.

David Palmer

The American Historical Review, Volume 117, Issue 3, Page 871-872, June 2012.

Book Review: James Siekmeier. The Bolivian Revolution and the United States, 1952 to the Present.

Robert O. Kirkland

The American Historical Review, Volume 117, Issue 3, Page 831-832, June 2012.

Book Review: Michael Rothberg. Multidirectional Memory: Remembering the Holocaust in the Age of Decolonization.

Harold Marcuse

The American Historical Review, Volume 117, Issue 3, Page 820-821, June 2012.

Book Review: Alexander J. Field. A Great Leap Forward: 1930s Depression and U.S. Economic Growth.

Eric Rauchway

The American Historical Review, Volume 117, Issue 3, Page 872-873, June 2012.

Book Review: K. E. Brashier. Ancestral Memory in Early China.

Michael Nylan

The American Historical Review, Volume 117, Issue 3, Page 832, June 2012.