Archiv für Juni 2012

Book Review: Frank Mort, Capital Affairs: London and the Making of the Permissive Society

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 84, Issue 2, Page 482-484, June 2012.

Book Review: Jost Hermand, Kultur in finsteren Zeiten: Nazifaschismus, Innere Emigration, Exil

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 84, Issue 2, Page 521-523, June 2012.

Book Review: Nuala Zahedieh, The Capital and the Colonies: London and the Atlantic Economy, 1660–1700

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 84, Issue 2, Page 472-474, June 2012.

Book Review: Alan F. Parkinson, 1972 and the Ulster Troubles: “A Very Bad Year.”

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 84, Issue 2, Page 484-486, June 2012.

Book Review: Doina Pasca Harsanyi, Lessons from America: Liberal French Nobles in Exile, 1793–1798

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 84, Issue 2, Page 490-491, June 2012.

Book Review: Shmuel Feiner, The Origins of Jewish Secularization in Eighteenth-Century Europe

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 84, Issue 2, Page 457-459, June 2012.

Book Review: Stefano Dall’Aglio, Savonarola and Savonarolism

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 84, Issue 2, Page 502-504, June 2012.

Book Review: Cecilia Cristellon, La carità e l’eros: Il matrimonio, la Chiesa, i suoi giudici nella Venezia del Rinascimento (1420–1545)

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 84, Issue 2, Page 500-502, June 2012.

Book Review: Erik N. Jensen, Body by Weimar: Athletes, Gender, and German Modernity

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 84, Issue 2, Page 519-521, June 2012.

Book Review: John Hardman, Overture to Revolution: The 1787 Assembly of Notables and the Crisis of France’s Old Regime

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 84, Issue 2, Page 486-487, June 2012.