Archiv für Juni 2012

Book Review: Simon Robbins, British Generalship during the Great War: The Military Career of Sir Henry Horne (1861–1929)

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 84, Issue 2, Page 475-477, June 2012.

Book Review: Mark Traugott, The Insurgent Barricade

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 84, Issue 2, Page 487-489, June 2012.

Book Review: Timothy Snyder, Bloodlands: Europe between Hitler and Stalin

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 84, Issue 2, Page 465-466, June 2012.

Book Review: Edward Berenson, Heroes of Empire: Five Charismatic Men and the Conquest of Africa

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 84, Issue 2, Page 459-461, June 2012.

Book Review: Deirdre N. McCloskey, Bourgeois Dignity: Why Economics Can’t Explain the Modern World

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 84, Issue 2, Page 453-456, June 2012.

Book Review: Jan Musekamp, Zwischen Stettin und Szczecin: Metamorphosen einer Stadt von 1945 bis 2005; Jacek Friedrich, Neue Stadt in altem Gewand: Der Wiederaufbau Danzigs 1945–1960

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 84, Issue 2, Page 526-529, June 2012.

The Police Versus the Policed: The Dilemmas of Freedom and Discipline in New York and London


The Role of the Train Station in the Image Formation of the Early Republican Ankara

Depending on the assumption that buildings play the fundamental role in the formation of cities and their image, this study investigates the contribution of the Train Station to the formation of Ankara and its image in the early years of the Turkish R…

Sociology, History, and the Newest Immigrants


(Dis)Empowering Homeless People: The Battle for Atlanta’s Imperial Hotel, 1990-1991

This article examines the occupation of Atlanta’s Imperial Hotel by homeless people in the summer of 1990. This dramatic event represented the apogee of homeless empowerment in Atlanta during the last thirty years. It allows us to examine a „poo…