Archiv für Juni 2012

Book Review: Noyan Dinçkal; Christof Dipper; Detlev Mares, eds. Selbstmobilisierung der Wissenschaft: Technische Hochschulen im “Dritten Reich.”.

Jeffrey Allan Johnson

Isis, Volume 103, Issue 2, Page 413-414, June 2012.

Book Review: Florence Bretelle-Establet, ed. Looking at It from Asia: The Processes That Shaped the Sources of History of Science.

John Steele

Isis, Volume 103, Issue 2, Page 392-393, June 2012.

Book Review: Bede; Calvin B. Kendall; Faith Wallis. “On the Nature of Things” and “On Times.”.

Scott DeGregorio

Isis, Volume 103, Issue 2, Page 396-397, June 2012.

Book Review: Karl Wulff. Bedrohte Wahrheit: Der Islam und die modernen Naturwissenschaften.

Anna Akasoy

Isis, Volume 103, Issue 2, Page 391-392, June 2012.

Book Review: Paul U. Unschuld; Karen Reimers. What Is Medicine? Western and Eastern Approaches to Healing.

Helaine Selin

Isis, Volume 103, Issue 2, Page 390-391, June 2012.

Book Review: Angelo Cattaneo. Fra Mauro’s Mappa Mundi and Fifteenth-Century Venice.

Pamela O. Long

Isis, Volume 103, Issue 2, Page 397-398, June 2012.

Book Review: Helen Tilley. Africa as a Living Laboratory: Empire, Development, and the Problem of Scientific Knowledge, 1870–1950.

Michael Worboys

Isis, Volume 103, Issue 2, Page 421-423, June 2012.

Hybridity, Race, and Science: The Voyage of the Zaca, 1934–1935

Warwick Anderson

Isis, Volume 103, Issue 2, Page 229-253, June 2012.

Book Review: Laura J. Snyder. The Philosophical Breakfast Club: Four Remarkable Friends Who Transformed Science and Changed the World.

Matthew Stanley

Isis, Volume 103, Issue 2, Page 421, June 2012.

Book Review: Katja Patzel-Mattern. Ökonomische Effizienz und gesellschaftlicher Ausgleich: Die industrielle Psychotechnik in der Weimarer Republik.

David Meskill

Isis, Volume 103, Issue 2, Page 420, June 2012.