Archiv für August 2012

Book Review: Julia Roos, Weimar through the Lens of Gender: Prostitution Reform, Woman’s Emancipation, and German Democracy, 1919–33

Elizabeth Jones

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 84, Issue 3, Page 775-776, September 2012.

Book Review: Brooke L. Blower, Becoming Americans in Paris: Transatlantic Politics and Culture between the World Wars

A. Whitney Walton

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 84, Issue 3, Page 744-746, September 2012.

The Balkan Revolutionary Age

Frederick F. Anscombe

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 84, Issue 3, Page 572-606, September 2012.

“Facts Are Sacred”: The Manchester Guardian and Colonial Violence, 1930–1932

Nicholas Owen

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 84, Issue 3, Page 643-678, September 2012.

The “Apparel of Innocence”: Toward a Moral Economy of Terrorism in Late Imperial Russia

Susan K. Morrissey

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 84, Issue 3, Page 607-642, September 2012.

Book Review: Joan Hinde Stewart, The Enlightenment of Age: Women, Letters, and Growing Old in Eighteenth-Century France

Jennifer L. Palmer

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 84, Issue 3, Page 736-738, September 2012.

Book Review: Warren Alexander Dym, ed., Divining Science: Treasure Hunting and Earth Science in Early Modern Germany

Pamela H. Smith

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 84, Issue 3, Page 762-764, September 2012.

Book Review: Jesse Spohnholz, The Tactics of Toleration: A Refugee Community in the Age of Religious Wars

Joachim Whaley

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 84, Issue 3, Page 760-762, September 2012.

Book Review: Wolfgang Neugebauer, ed., Das preußische Kultusministerium als Staatsbehörde und gesellschaftliche Agentur (1817–1934). Volume 1: Die Behörde und ihr höheres Personal. Part 1: Darstellung. Part 2: Dokumente

Marc Schalenberg

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 84, Issue 3, Page 769-771, September 2012.

The 1688 Landing of William of Orange at Torbay: Numerical Dates and Temporal Understanding in Early Modern England

James Richard Redmond McConnel

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 84, Issue 3, Page 539-571, September 2012.