Archiv für August 2012

Cyprian (A.) Brent Cyprian and Roman Carthage . Pp. xvi + 365, ills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Cased, £60, US$99. ISBN: 978-0-521-51547-4.

Book Reviews George Kalantzis, The Classical Review, Volume 62 Issue 01, pp 191-193Abstract

The Historia Avgvsta (L.) Galli Milić, (N.) Hecquet-Noti (edd.) Historiae Augustae. Colloquium Genevense in honorem F. Paschoud septuagenarii. Atti dei Convegni sulla Historia Augusta XI. Les Traditions historiographiques de l’Antiquité tardive: idéologie, propagande, fiction, réalité . (Munera 30.) Pp. 259, ill. Bari: Edipuglia, 2010. Cased, €50. ISBN: 978-88- 7228-581-7.

Book Reviews Timothy D. Barnes, The Classical Review, Volume 62 Issue 01, pp 188-191Abstract

The Germania (C.B.) Krebs A Most Dangerous Book. Tacitus’s Germania from the Roman Empire to the Third Reich . Pp. 303, ills. New York and London: W.W. Norton & Company, 2011. Cased, £18.99, US$25.95. ISBN: 978-0-393-06265-6.

Book Reviews Salvador Bartera, The Classical Review, Volume 62 Issue 01, pp 186-188Abstract

Valerius Flaccus (P.) Murgatroyd A Commentary on Book 4 of Valerius Flaccus‘ Argonautica. (Mnemosyne Supplements 311.) Pp. x + 363. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2009. Cased, €133, US$182. ISBN: 978-90-04-17561-7.

Book Reviews Gesine Manuwald, The Classical Review, Volume 62 Issue 01, pp 184-185Abstract

Motherhood in Flavian Epic (A.) Augoustakis Motherhood and the Other. Fashioning Female Power in Flavian Epic . Pp. xiv + 314, ills. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. Cased, £60, US$110. ISBN: 978-0-19-958441-3.

Book Reviews Helen Lovatt, The Classical Review, Volume 62 Issue 01, pp 181-183Abstract

Martial (D.) Vallat Onomastique, culture et société dans les Épigrammes de Martial . (Collection Latomus 313.) Pp. 673. Brussels: Éditions Latomus, 2008. Paper, €95. ISBN: 978-2-87031-254-4.

Book Reviews Francesca Sapsford, The Classical Review, Volume 62 Issue 01, pp 180-181Abstract

The Silvae (C.E.) Newlands (ed.) Statius: Silvae, Book II . Pp. x + 283.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. Paper, £21.99, US$34.99 (Cased, £55, US$90). ISBN: 978-0-521-66623-7 (978-0-521-66187-4 hbk). (G.) Liberman (ed.) Stace: Silves . Pp. 546. Paris: Éditions Calepinus, 2010. Paper, €59. ISBN: 978-2-9517-7594-7.

Book Reviews Anna McCullough, The Classical Review, Volume 62 Issue 01, pp 177-180Abstract

The Manuscripts of Statius (H.) Anderson The Manuscripts of Statius. Revised Edition. Volume I. Introduction and Catalogs of Materials . Pp. xxxii + xxxviii + 568. Arlington, Virginia: Harald Anderson, 2009. Paper, US$23.84. ISBN: 978-1-44993-192-6. (H.) Anderson The Manuscripts of Statius. Revised Edition. Volume II. Indices . Pp. viii + 247. Arlington, Virginia: Harald Anderson, 2009. Paper, US$11.10. ISBN: 978-1-44993-201-5. (H.) Anderson The Manuscripts of Statius. Revised Edition. Volume III. Reception. The Vitae and Accessus . Pp. xii + viii + 151. Arlington, Virginia: Harald Anderson, 2009. Paper, US$8.30. ISBN: 978-1-44993-205-3.

Book Reviews William J. Dominik, The Classical Review, Volume 62 Issue 01, pp 175-177Abstract

Pseudo-Senecan Epigrams (A.) Breitenbach Die Pseudo-Seneca-Epigramme der Anthologia Vossiana. Ein Gedichtbuch aus der mittleren Kaiserzeit . (Spudasmata 132.) Pp. x + 270, pls. Hildesheim, Zurich and New York: Georg Olms, 2010. Paper, €58. ISBN: 978-3-487-14344-6.

Book Reviews Martin T. Dinter, The Classical Review, Volume 62 Issue 01, pp 173-174Abstract

Seneca (I.) Lana Lucio Anneo Seneca . Ristampa anastatica dell’edizione del 1955. A cura di Emanuele Lana con aggiornamenti di Andrea Balbo e Ermanno Malaspina e una prefazione di Giovanna Garbarino. (Testi e Manuali per l’Insegnamento Universitario del Latino 115.) Pp. xxiv + 334. Bologna: Pàtron Editore, 2010. Paper, €28. ISBN: 978-88-555-3083-5.

Book Reviews Harry M. Hine, The Classical Review, Volume 62 Issue 01, pp 171-173Abstract