Archiv für September 2012

Anti-Chinese violence in Java during the Indonesian Revolution, 1945–49

Journal of Genocide Research, Volume 14, Issue 3-4, Page 381-401, September–November 2012.

The killing of Dutch and Eurasians in Indonesia’s national revolution (1945–49): a ‘brief genocide’ reconsidered

Journal of Genocide Research, Volume 14, Issue 3-4, Page 359-380, September–November 2012.

‘Not a colonial war’: Dutch film propaganda in the fight against Indonesia, 1945–49

Journal of Genocide Research, Volume 14, Issue 3-4, Page 403-418, September–November 2012.

Colonial memory and forgetting in the Netherlands and Indonesia

Journal of Genocide Research, Volume 14, Issue 3-4, Page 441-461, September–November 2012.

Cleo’s ‘unfinished business’: coming to terms with Dutch war crimes in Indonesia’s war of independence

Journal of Genocide Research, Volume 14, Issue 3-4, Page 419-439, September–November 2012.

Mercury, Mining and Empire: The Human and Ecological Cost of Colonial Silver Mining in the Andes

Journal of Genocide Research, Volume 14, Issue 3-4, Page 519-521, September–November 2012.

The American West and the Nazi East: A Comparative and Interpretative Perspective

Journal of Genocide Research, Volume 14, Issue 3-4, Page 514-519, September–November 2012.

Heaven on Earth: The Varieties of the Millennial Experience

Journal of Genocide Research, Volume 14, Issue 3-4, Page 521-522, September–November 2012.

Competitive or multidirectional memory? The interaction between postwar and postcolonial memory in the Netherlands

Journal of Genocide Research, Volume 14, Issue 3-4, Page 463-483, September–November 2012.

Being Part of the Family: Social and Working Conditions of Female Migrant Care Workers in Italy

NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, Volume 20, Issue 3, Page 182-198, September 2012.