Archiv für November 2012

Issue 4 | Focus – The Memory of North African Jews in the Diaspora

In the following contribution, I will approach in three steps the construction of memory by North-African Jews in the Diaspora. I will first trace the history and historiography of Jews in Arab countries and point out their characteristics. T…

Issue 4 | Focus – Sharing and Unsharing Memories. …

As a massive exodus drained the Jewish communities from Muslim-Arab countries, starting just after World War II a large number of them migrated in cosmopolitan Montréal. This paper offers a new perspective on their displacement, inquir…

Issue 4 | Focus – De-Westernizing Morocco: Pre-Migration Colonial History and the …

The article presents and analyzes the self-representing narrative strategies through which westernized Jewish immigrants from Tangier (Morocco) de-westernize their personal pre-migration colonial history in the context of the ethnic conflict …

Issue 4 | Reviews – Inventing the Israelite. Jewish Fiction in Nineteenth-Century France

 With Inventing the Israelite. Jewish Fiction in Nineteenth-Century France, Maurice Samuels proposes to explore the ways in which obscure, even unknown and today forgotten, 19th century French Jewish writers responded to the challenges posed by mo…

Issue 4 | Reviews – Propagandes et persécutions. …

Renée Poznanski investigates how French Resistance dealt with the issue of the so-called “Jewish Problem” and she presents the results of her research in an essay, almost 800 page long. The length of the book is, on the one hand, e…

Le Monde diplomatique (Oslo) | 10/2012

Slaget om sørstatene [Battle of the South]

Kulturos barai | 11/2012


Letras Libres | 11/2012


Teaching the past in the early modern era: two different ways to make use of history

Paedagogica Historica, Volume 48, Issue 6, Page 800-809, December 2012.

Old narratives adapted: Post-Napoleonic history education and its relation to the present in the Southern Netherlands (1815–1830)

Paedagogica Historica, Volume 48, Issue 6, Page 810-824, December 2012.