Archiv für Dezember 2012

Gregory the Great, the Rule of Benedict and Roman liturgy: the evolution of a legend

June 2011 Publication year: 2011Source:Journal of Medieval History, Volume 37, Issue 2 This paper relates the evolution of Gregory the Great’s reputation as creator of the Roman liturgy to the slow process by which the Rule of Benedict a…

Mongol inhospitality, or how to do more with less? Gift giving in William of Rubruck’s Itinerarium

March 2011 Publication year: 2011Source:Journal of Medieval History, Volume 37, Issue 1 This article examines the journey to the Mongol court by the Franciscan William of Rubruck and his unsuccessful attempts to negotiate his way through t…

Editorial board/Publication information

June 2011 Publication year: 2011Source:Journal of Medieval History, Volume 37, Issue 2

Arthur’s refusal to eat: ritual and control in the romance feast

March 2011 Publication year: 2011Source:Journal of Medieval History, Volume 37, Issue 1 Arthur’s refusal to begin feasting before he has seen a marvel or heard a tale of adventure is a recurring motif in medieval romance. Previous comment …

The development of the longbow in late medieval England and ‘technological determinism’

September 2011 Publication year: 2011Source:Journal of Medieval History, Volume 37, Issue 3 Traditional understandings of the development of the medieval English longbow and its role in the fourteenth-century ‘infantry revolution’ have…

Hosting the king: hospitality and the royal iter in tenth-century England

March 2011 Publication year: 2011Source:Journal of Medieval History, Volume 37, Issue 1 Traditional studies of royal itinerancy have depended on locating the king’s progress through his kingdom(s) as precisely as possible and it should t…

Armour in England, 1325–99

September 2011 Publication year: 2011Source:Journal of Medieval History, Volume 37, Issue 3 A dramatic change in the personal armour of the knightly classes occurred across the whole of Europe in the middle of the fourteenth century: the a…

Avorio d’ogni ragione: the supply of elephant ivory to northern Europe in the Gothic era

June 2010 Publication year: 2010Source:Journal of Medieval History, Volume 36, Issue 2 This article accounts for the hitherto unexplained increase in the availability of ivory in mid-thirteenth-century France through an alteration in the m…

Faith in war: the religious experience of Scottish soldiery, c.1100–c.1500

September 2011 Publication year: 2011Source:Journal of Medieval History, Volume 37, Issue 3 This paper examines the comparatively patchy evidence for the pastoral provision and personal faith of late medieval Scottish combatants below the …

Editorial board/Publication information

June 2010 Publication year: 2010Source:Journal of Medieval History, Volume 36, Issue 2