Archiv für Dezember 2012

Patronage of the poetic Mélusine roman Guillaume l’Archevêque’s confrontation with dynastic crisis

June 2011 Publication year: 2011Source:Journal of Medieval History, Volume 37, Issue 2 In 1400 Guillaume l’Archevêque, the lord of Parthenay, commissioned the Roman de Parthenay (RP), a poetic ancestral romance affirming his family’s …

Editorial board/Publication information

September 2010 Publication year: 2010Source:Journal of Medieval History, Volume 36, Issue 3

‘I call the people.’ Church bells in fourteenth-century Catalunya

June 2011 Publication year: 2011Source:Journal of Medieval History, Volume 37, Issue 2 Bells were an inescapable part of fourteenth-century urban life. They signalled the hours of the day and times for prayers; they warned of tempests and …

The Virgin’s grandmother: the unusual legend of St Ismeria

December 2010 Publication year: 2010Source:Journal of Medieval History, Volume 36, Issue 4 This article will examine an unusual legend contained in Florentine fifteenth-century manuscripts concerning St Ismeria, the ‘grandmother’ of th…

The minor rural aristocracy and great lords in thirteenth-century Tuscany: three cases from the entourage of the Guidi counts

June 2011 Publication year: 2011Source:Journal of Medieval History, Volume 37, Issue 2 This article examines relations in thirteenth-century Tuscany between the minor rural aristocracy and great rural lords, that is, those based outside ci…

Lay religion and pastoral care in thirteenth century England: the evidence of a group of short confession manuals

December 2010 Publication year: 2010Source:Journal of Medieval History, Volume 36, Issue 4 This paper examines the extent of lay religious knowledge and observance in thirteenth century England, using a series of short manuscript treatises…

The Gesta Roberti Wiscardi: A ‘Byzantine’ history?

June 2011 Publication year: 2011Source:Journal of Medieval History, Volume 37, Issue 2 In the last 150 years of scholarship, opinions have always differed as to just who William of Apulia was, and for which audience his epic poem the Gesta…

Unauthorised miracles in mid-ninth-century Dijon and the Carolingian church reforms

December 2010 Publication year: 2010Source:Journal of Medieval History, Volume 36, Issue 4 In the early 840s, Archbishop Amolo of Lyons wrote to one of his suffragan bishops about extraordinary miracles reportedly taking place at Dijon in …

Offa’s Dyke: a historiographical appraisal

June 2011 Publication year: 2011Source:Journal of Medieval History, Volume 37, Issue 2 Offa’s Dyke is one of the largest and best known, if rather less well understood, field monuments in Britain. Despite this, there have been very few p…

Aspects of gift giving in Denmark in the sixteenth century and the case of the Rose Flower Cup

March 2011 Publication year: 2011Source:Journal of Medieval History, Volume 37, Issue 1 The concept of an ancient system of gift exchange gradually being replaced by a market economy during the middle ages and early modern period has been …