Archiv für Januar 2013

"We’re Not Getting Wasted Beforehand, We’re Just Drinking a Few Beers." "Pregaming": A Current Practice in Adolescent Alcohol Consumption

In the present study we investigated pregaming as a specific and thus far scarcely researched drinking practice. Previous research on pregaming showed that it is associated with several risks. In the context of our study we conducted eight group discus…

Physical Violence as a Source of Positive Self-perception for Adolescent Girls

Little is known about physically violent behavior in female adolescents (especially in German speaking countries). Problem-centered interviews with 21 Swiss girls who regularly use(d) physical violence were conducted. The study is based on  grounded t…

Qualitative Secondary Analysis in Austere Times: Ethical, Professional and Methodological Considerations

Recent debates in qualitative secondary analysis (QSA) have sought to move beyond polarising arguments in order to develop more nuanced perspectives on the epistemological, analytical and practical opportunities and challenges associated with its metho…

Estranging Ourselves from Our Fieldnotes—Reconstruction of Styles of Writing as a Methodological Reflection

When writing ethnographic fieldnotes researchers confront specific practical research challenges. They have to continually decide what to describe, in which words, and to what extent. In this article we focus on this selection process, which is inevita…

A Natural History of an Environmentalist: Identifying Influences on Pro-sustainability Behavior Through Biography and Autoethnography

This natural history of an environmentalist uses autoethnography through biographical interview to investigate the contextual analysis of influences affecting active pro-sustainability behavior, which is interpreted as environmentalism. Education for s…

"What Does a Whale Mean to You?"—Divergence of Perceptions of Whales in Germany, Japan, and Greenland

In the 1990s social and cultural studies explored different perceptions of nature expressed within the categories of „nation“ and „culture“. Similar results are seen in international studies on whaling. In academic and public discourses on the subject …

Weltmacht an der Klippe

Zum Jahreswechsel erlebten die USA ein Polittheater sondergleichen – und unter besonders dramatischen Vorzeichen. Die einzig verbliebene Weltmacht, die noch immer größte Volkswi…

Lauter kriminelle Einzelfälle

Seit einiger Zeit kommt es knüppeldick: Immer häufiger werden Aktivitäten ruchbar, bei denen sich der normale Durchschnittsbürger fragt, was denn eigentlich wirklich los ist …

»Die Rechte« in Bewegung

Die Neonaziszene steht unter Druck: Die eher zufällige Aufdeckung des für zehn Morde verantwortlichen „Nationalsozialistischen Untergrunds“ (NSU) im Herbst 2011 setzte die …

Die neue Wohnungsfrage

Wer hätte das gedacht: In deutschen Medien wird wieder über das Thema Wohnen diskutiert. Dabei galt die „Wohnungsfrage“ hierzulande jahrelang als „erledigt“, zu…