Archiv für Januar 2013

‚So Far as I Can Define without a Microscopical Examination‘: Venereal Disease Diagnosis in English Courts, 1850-1914

The absence of a ‘bacteriological revolution’ in venereal disease (VD) diagnosis in late nineteenth-century Britain has most commonly been demonstrated through medical texts and hospital practice. The following article contributes a broade…

Coming ‚Home‘ to (post)Colonial Medicine: Treating Tropical Bodies in Post-War Britain

While investment and popular enthusiasm have fuelled significant growth in the history of medicine since the 1980s, it remains by some metrics well outside of the historical mainstream. Yet developments in the history of medicine could offer traction …

Le Pays du Soleil: The Art of Heliotherapy on the Cote d’Azur

This interdisciplinary article explores the early history of heliotherapy (natural sunlight therapy) on the Côte d’Azur through its visual culture. It concentrates on images, and the texts within which they appear, of children undergoing helioth…

The Framingham Study and the Constitution of a Restrictive Concept of Risk Factor

One of the first American epidemiological studies of cardiovascular disease, the Framingham Heart Study, is considered to have played a central role in identifying the major risk factors for heart disease and in introducing and diffusing a risk factor…

The Construction of Shell Shock in New Zealand, 1919-1939: A Reassessment

This article explores the competing constructions of shell shock in New Zealand during and after the Great War. It begins by considering the army’s construction of shell shock as a discipline problem, before going on to consider the medical profession…

Elaine Leong and Alisha Rankin (eds), Secrets and Knowledge in Medicine and Science, 1500-1800


Edward Higgs, Identifying the English: a History of Personal Identification 1500 to the Present


Is Prevention Better than Cure? The Rise and Fall of Veterinary Preventive Medicine, c.1950-1980

Little is known, historically, about the perceived and actual importance of disease prevention within general medical and veterinary practice, its constituent attitudes, practices and politics, and its relationship to disease cure. This paper addresse…

Thomas Le Roux, Le Laboratoire des Pollutions Industrielles. Paris 1770-1830


Fernando Vidal, The Sciences of the Soul: The Early Modern Origins of Psychology
