Archiv für Januar 2013

Michael Sutton, France and the Construction of Europe, 1944-2007: The Geopolitical Imperative


The Emperor’s New Clothes: ‚Objectivity‘ and Revisionism in Spanish History


Peter Anderson, The Francoist Military Trials: Terror and Complicity, 1939-1945


Journalists and the Stirring of Australian Public Diplomacy: The Colombo Plan Towards the 1960s

Australia was an active member of the Colombo Plan for aid to South and Southeast Asia, beginning in 1951 as a loosely organized umbrella of multiple bilateral aid agreements between Commonwealth countries and quickly expanding in geographical reach a…

Monica Black, Death in Berlin: From Weimar to Divided Germany


Nazi Ideology and Engineers at War: Fritz Todt’s ‚Speaker System‘

Fritz Todt created a program of lectures for German engineers in 1941. This ‘Speaker System’ was designed to enhance technical training, spread Todt’s Deutsche Technik ideology and prepare for technocratic Nazi control of postwar Eur…

Karen Petrone, The Great War in Russian Memory


Milieus in the Military: Soldierly Ethos, Nationalism and Conformism Among Workers in the Wehrmacht

Historiography is currently discussing the concept of the ‘Volksgemeinschaft’ as social practice in National Socialist Germany. Yet the debate barely touched upon the largest institution of the Nazi state, the Wehrmacht. This research gap …

Paul Betts, Within Walls – Private Life In The German Democratic Republic,


The ‚Polish Operation‘ of the NKVD: The Climax of the Terror Against the Polish Minority in the Soviet Union

Between summer 1937 and autumn 1938, the time of the ‘Great Terror’, numerous so-called ‘National Operations’ targeting ethnic minorities were carried out in the USSR. The largest was the ‘Polish Operation’. Startin…