Archiv für Januar 2013

Gregor Thum, Uprooted: How Breslau Became Wroclaw during the Century of Expulsions


Broadcasting Bolshevik: The Radio Voice of Soviet Culture, 1920s-1950s

Propaganda was always a key preoccupation of the Soviet regime and it was not limited to the printed word. Public speaking – whether in meetings and lectures or on the radio – had a prominent place in the Soviet version of modernity. From …

Erik N. Jensen, Body by Weimar: Athletes, Gender, and German Modernity


Soviet Arms Exports in the 1920s

In the 1920s, the Soviet Union employed arms exports as a means of attempting to exert influence on its less-developed Asian neighbors, either by intervening in internal struggles or encouraging pro-Soviet and anti-capitalist foreign policy. In Turkey…

Stephen Lovell, The Shadow of War: Russia and the USSR, 1941 to Present


‚Must Will Peace‘: The British Brokering of ‚Central European‘ and ‚Balkan Locarno‘, 1925-9

This article examines the British attempt to use the momentum created after the conclusion of the Locarno Agreements of October 1925 to promote a similar settlement in Central Europe among the Little Entente countries and Hungary, and in the Balkans, …

From ‚Consensus‘ to ‚Common Ground‘: The Rhetoric of the Postwar Settlement and its Collapse

There has been much historical debate about whether or not there was a ‘political consensus’ in Britain in the postwar decades. However, surprisingly little attention has been paid to what politicians said about ‘consensus’ at …

Michael R. Ebner, Ordinary Violence in Mussolini’s Italy


Akadeemia | 12/2012


Index on Censorship | 4/2012

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