Archiv für Januar 2013

Constructing Europe


Olaf van Nimwegen, The Dutch Army and the Military Revolutions 1588-1688


The Faith and the Fury: The Construction of Anticlerical Collective Identities in Spain, 1874-1931

This article explores the construction of anticlerical collective identities among Spanish workers from the late nineteenth century, outlining the ways in which the daily experience of the Church generated and intensified anticlerical sentiment. From …

The Invention of a Hero: Lajos Kossuth in England (1851)

The creation, propagation and mythologization of heroes, or rather, the images of heroes, have recently attracted a good deal of attention from historians. This article aims to contribute to this discussion through a study of the cult of the Hungarian…

Monarchy and Nation in Italy at the End of the Nineteenth Century: A Unique Form of Politicization?

This article argues that in Italy, at the end of the nineteenth century, monarchy played a strong role in the process of politicization. As the first institution of the nation, the monarchy, though theoretically super partes, was able not only to gath…

Alexander von Plato, Almut Leh and Christoph Thonfeld, eds, Hitler’s Slaves: Life Stories of Forced Labourers in Nazi-Occupied Europe


An Old Empire in a New Order: The Global Designs of the Dutch Nazi Party, 1931-1942

This article explores the imperial plans and policies advanced by the Dutch Nazi Party (NSB) and its leader, Anton Mussert, from the party’s inception in 1931 to the Japanese occupation of the Dutch East Indies in early 1942. Drawing upon recent…

Hamilton M Stapell, Remaking Madrid: Culture, Politics, and Identity after Franco


Xabier Lamikiz, Trade and Trust in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World: Spanish Merchants and their Overseas Networks


New Humanist | 1/2013
