Archiv für Februar 2013

“The Faith Society”? Quantifying Religious Belonging in Edwardian Britain, 1901–1914

Historians disagree about how the Edwardian era fits into the jigsaw of secularisation in Britain. Was it a time of religious crisis (Keith Robbins, Hugh McLeod) or a faith society (Callum Brown)? This article subjects the debate to quantitative scrut…

Rupert J. Ederer: Pope Pius XII on the Economic Order. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2011; pp. xiv + 275.


Martin Sutherland: Conflict and Connection: Baptist Identity in New Zealand. Auckland: Archer Press, 2011; pp. xxiv + 261.


Daniel Dubuisson: Wisdoms of Humanity: Buddhism, Paganism, and Christianity, trans. Seth Cherney. Leiden: Brill, 2011; pp. 255.


John Strehlow: The Tale of Frieda Keysser, Frieda Keysser and Carl Strehlow: An Historical Biography, Volume I: 1875–1910. London: Wild Cat Press, 2011; pp. xxxii + 1198.


Krytyka | 7-8 (2012)


Lessons and cautionary tales from the past: Building bridges from migration history to Europeanness

National Identities, Volume 15, Issue 1, Page 9-19, March 2013.

Where and when was Europe? Europeanness and its relationship to migration

National Identities, Volume 15, Issue 1, Page 21-32, March 2013.

Europe – Migration – Identity: Connections between migration experiences and Europeanness

National Identities, Volume 15, Issue 1, Page 1-8, March 2013.

Gender and identity in exile: A European émigré in social work

National Identities, Volume 15, Issue 1, Page 51-66, March 2013.