Archiv für Juli 2013

Freemasonry and the Indian Parsi Community: A Late Meeting On the Level.

Following closely in the wake of British imperialism, the first Indian lodge was constituted in 1730, by officials of the East India Company based in Fort William, Calcutta. From there, masonic lodges started to spawn in the other urban centres and arm…

Mittelweg 36 | 3/2013

Schwerpunkt: Kredit, Keynes & Krieg

Cogito (Turkey) | 73 (2013)


Rigas Laiks | 5/2013


Letras Libres | 7/2013


Freemasonry and the Indian Parsi Community: A Late Meeting On the Level.

Following closely in the wake of British imperialism, the first Indian lodge was constituted in 1730, by officials of the East India Company based in Fort William, Calcutta. From there, masonic lodges started to spawn in the other urban centres and arm…

Freemasonry and the Indian Parsi Community: A Late Meeting On the Level.

Following closely in the wake of British imperialism, the first Indian lodge was constituted in 1730, by officials of the East India Company based in Fort William, Calcutta. From there, masonic lodges started to spawn in the other urban centres and arm…

ZNR 35 (2013) Heft 1/2 erschienen

Das Heft 1/2 des 35. Jahrgangs der ZNR wurde bereits ausgeliefert. Es enthält zum einen vier Beiträge einer von Sibylle Hofer betreuten Sektion “Schweizerische Kodifikationsgeschichte” am 39. Deutschen Rechtshistorikertag, Luzern 2012, Sibylle Hofer, Bern Felix Schöbi, Lausanne Bénédict Winiger, Genf Martino Mona, Bern Benjamin Schindler, St. Gallen sowie weitere Beiträge von Pavla Slavίčková, Prag Clausdieter Schott, Zürich […]

Bericht vom Symposium in “Recht Aktuell 07/08″ des Verlages Manz

Der Bericht zur Tagung ist auf S. 9 zu finden. Link direkt zur Seite:

James Kennaway, Bad Vibrations: The History of the Idea of Music as a Cause of Disease
