Archiv für Juli 2013

‘Wanderer, kommst du nach Pforta …’: the tension between Classical tradition and the demands of a Nazi elite-school education at Schulpforta and Ilfeld, 1934–45

European Review of History: Revue europeenne d’histoire, Volume 20, Issue 4, Page 581-609, August 2013.

Beyond race: constructions of ‘Europeanness’ in late-colonial legal practice in the Dutch East Indies

European Review of History: Revue europeenne d’histoire, Volume 20, Issue 4, Page 539-558, August 2013.

Defending the Individual: the Personal Rights Association and the Ligue des droits de l’homme, 1871–1916

European Review of History: Revue europeenne d’histoire, Volume 20, Issue 4, Page 559-579, August 2013.

Noncompliance: A Never-Ending Story. Understanding the Perspective of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

For roughly the last 25 years there has been consensus in social science research that the term „compliance“ in medical therapy research lacks clarity and may even be counter-productive. However, the medical world continues to be disconcerted and scandalized when patients take a critical attitude to doctors‘ instructions or indeed fail to comply with them. In order to explore this area, interviews were conducted with patients who have suffered for at least eight to ten years from rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic disease that often leads to disability and a decline in social status. The sample was created in cooperation with the German Rheumatism Research Center (DRFZ) at the Charité Berlin Hospital. The survey methodology comprised partially structured interviews with an initial narrative exploration. The interviews were analyzed both in terms of their content as well as with the use of elements of the framework concept of „grounded theory methodology.“ Our qualitative study has shown that patients take great efforts to manage their disease and that the important thing here is to provide professional support rather than to criticize patients‘ individual beliefs, preferences and decisions for or against therapeutic recommendations.


On the Interpretive Work of Reconstructing Discourses and Their Local Contexts

Many strands of discourse analysis conceive discourses as relatively large structural connections. They are thus able to comprehend seemingly scattered phenomena as articulations of macro-level structures. Their focus on the macro-level of analysis, however, comes often at the neglect of the local contexts in which discourses are reproduced and employed. Action and interpretation are not only instructed by discourses, but also by local systems of relevance of resilient groups, communities or organizations.

In this article, we develop interpretive strategies to distinguish between discourses and their reproductive local context. Based on a case study that analyzes students‘ narrations about their experiences of the transformation process at a higher education institution in South Africa, we reconstruct the „ethnographic context“ of these narrations. We demonstrate how the use of a specific discourse—thematically linked to „race“ and „culture“—is shaped by local groups, in our case by student residences at this higher education institution. We frame our case in social-constructivist terms and pursue a sociology of knowledge approach to discourse.


Review: Thorsten Fuchs (2011). Bildung und Biographie. Eine Reformulierung der bildungstheoretisch orientierten Biographieforschung [Education (Bildung) and Biography. A Reformulation of the Theoretical Approach to Biographical Research in Education]

In his doctoral thesis, Thorsten FUCHS critically discusses existing concepts aiming to relate educational theory [Bildungstheorie] and empirical research in education [Bildungsforschung]. He thus focuses on concepts evolved in the German research context in recent years that explicitly aim at relating educational theory and biographical research. By analyzing them in depth and critically examining their findings, he identifies lacunae as regards the underlying concepts of biography and education (in the meaning of Bildung) and as regards the research method that follows Fritz SCHÜTZE’s understanding of biographies as structured processes. Against this background, Thorsten FUCHS seeks to further develop this line of enquiry (relating educational theory and empirical research in education) by referring explicitly to theories of education and biography and by introducing an alternative methodology in reference to Theodor SCHULZE, which he sees as better suited to this purpose.


„I Don’t Know What’s Right Anymore“: Engaging Distressed Interviewees Using Graphic-Elicitation

Graphic-elicitation appears to be a research method that potentially has much to offer, particularly so when working with distressed and disaffected groups. It can be especially suited to presenting contentious ideas with unwelcome implications to sceptical interviewees, in this case irrigation farmers who were questioning aspects of climate change. Five images were introduced in the course of conducting in-depth personal interviews. The interviews were recorded and analysed for recurrent themes related to the images. The graphic-elicitation method allowed some participants to preserve or build their sense of optimism by viewing the graphic-elicitation images in particular ways—they saw in them what they wanted to see. Encouraged by the images some attempted to transfer their felt responsibility toward climate change responses to the government and upstream irrigators by blaming them for their low water availability.


Reality Lost? Re-Use of Qualitative Data in Classroom Video Studies

There has been debate on the re-use of qualitative data in the social sciences for more than a decade now. However, video data are rarely explicitly discussed in this regard, even though new media pose both new opportunities and new challenges when it …



