Archiv für Dezember 2013

Valérie Theis, Le gouvernement pontifical du Comtat Venaissin (vers 1270–vers 1350) . (Collection de l’École française de Rome 464.) Rome: École française de Rome, 2012. Paper. Pp. ix, 822; 18 maps, 26 graphs, 22 tables, and 1 plan. €95. ISBN: 9782728309245.

Book Reviews Daniel Williman, Speculum, Volume 89 Issue 01, pp 256-257Abstract

Marek Tamm, Linda Kaljundi, and Carsten Selch Jensen, eds., Crusading and Chronicle Writing on the Medieval Baltic Frontier: A Companion to the Chronicle of Henry of Livonia . Farnham, UK, and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2011. Pp. xxxvii, 484; black-and-white figures, maps, and 1 table. $144.95. ISBN: 9780754666271.

Book Reviews Eric Knibbs, Speculum, Volume 89 Issue 01, pp 254-256Abstract

Lynn Staley, The Island Garden: England’s Language of Nation from Gildas to Marvell . (ReFormations: Medieval and Early Modern.) Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2012. Pp. x, 345; color figures. $39. ISBN: 9780268041403.

Book Reviews David Matthews, Speculum, Volume 89 Issue 01, pp 252-254Abstract

Kathryn A. Smith, The Taymouth Hours: Stories and the Construction of Self in Late Medieval England . London and Toronto: British Library and University of Toronto Press, 2012. Pp. xxii, 369 plus DVD; 182 black-and-white figures and 8 color figures. $65. ISBN: 9780712358699.

Book Reviews Alison Stones, Speculum, Volume 89 Issue 01, pp 250-252Abstract

Hélène Sirantoine, Imperator Hispaniae: Les idéologies impériales dans le royaume de León (IXe–XIIe siècles) . (Bibliothèque de la Casa de Velázquez 58.) Madrid: Casa de Velázquez, 2012. Paper. Pp. xii, 494. ISBN: 9788496820852.

Book Reviews
David Arbesú,
Speculum, Volume 89 Issue 01, pp 249-250




Neslihan Şenocak, The Poor and the Perfect: The Rise of Learning in the Franciscan Order, 1209–1310 . Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2012. Pp. xv, 276. $49.95. ISBN: 9780801450570.

Book Reviews Ian P. Wei, Speculum, Volume 89 Issue 01, pp 247-249Abstract

Max Seidel, Father and Son: Nicola and Giovanni Pisano . 2 vols. (Series of the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, Max-Planck-Institut, 15.) Munich: Hirmer Verlag, 2012. 1: pp. 468; 424 black-and-white figures. 2: pp. 521; 504 black-and-white plates. $185. ISBN: 9783777451015.

Book Reviews Christine B. Verzar, Speculum, Volume 89 Issue 01, pp 245-247Abstract

Elisabeth Salter and Helen Wicker, eds., Vernacularity in England and Wales, c. 1300–1550 . (Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy 17.) Turnhout: Brepols, 2011. Pp. vi, 335; black-and-white figures and 1 table. €70. ISBN: 9782503528830.

Book Reviews Laura Ashe, Speculum, Volume 89 Issue 01, pp 244-245Abstract

Michael A. Ryan, A Kingdom of Stargazers: Astrology and Authority in the Late Medieval Crown of Aragon . Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2011. Pp. xiv, 214. $45. ISBN: 9780801449840.

Book Reviews Damian Smith, Speculum, Volume 89 Issue 01, pp 242-244Abstract

Teofilo F. Ruiz, A King Travels: Festive Traditions in Late Medieval and Early Modern Spain . Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2012. Paper. Pp. xv, 356; 8 black-and-white figures. $75. ISBN: 9780691153575.

Book Reviews Ronald E. Surtz, Speculum, Volume 89 Issue 01, pp 240-242Abstract