Archiv für Januar 2014

Editorial Board

Labor History, Volume 55, Issue 1, Page ebi-ebi, February 2014.

Reeducation through work? Mountain roads in the Spanish concentration universe (Western Pyrenees, 1939–1942)

Labor History, Volume 55, Issue 1, Page 97-116, February 2014.

Communism, the cold war, and a company town: the rise and fall of UE Local 709

Labor History, Volume 55, Issue 1, Page 67-96, February 2014.

The impossible transition from ‘absolute monarchy’ toward industrial democracy in France: the experience of workers‘ representatives at Schneider, 1899–1936

Labor History, Volume 55, Issue 1, Page 117-136, February 2014.

Explaining Romanian labor migration: from development gaps to development trajectories

Labor History, Volume 55, Issue 1, Page 21-46, February 2014.

Spectrum, trajectory and the role of the state in workers‘ self-management

Labor History, Volume 55, Issue 1, Page 47-66, February 2014.

Strike waves, union growth and the rank-and-file/bureaucracy interplay: Britain 1889–1890, 1910–1913 and 1919–1920

Labor History, Volume 55, Issue 1, Page 1-20, February 2014.

Voices from the Storm


Bringing Good Food In: A History of New York City’s Greenmarket Program

This paper examines the history of New York City’s Greenmarket program, a municipal farmers market program designed to bring fresh local food to New Yorkers as well as to prevent the loss of regional farmland to increasing suburbanization. In th…

All You Need Is Music, Sweet Music: Dance Culture and Community in Urban America
