Archiv für Januar 2014

Religious practice and belief in the Republic of Buryatia: comparing across faiths and national groups

Nationalities Papers, Volume 42, Issue 1, Page 165-180, January 2014.

In pursuit of homogeneity: the Lausanne Conference, minorities and the Turkish nation

Nationalities Papers, Volume 42, Issue 1, Page 108-125, January 2014.

War, language removal and self-identification in the linguistic landscapes of Nagorno-Karabakh

Nationalities Papers, Volume 42, Issue 1, Page 63-87, January 2014.

Nation and democracy building in contemporary Europe: the reproduction of the Basque demos

Nationalities Papers, Volume 42, Issue 1, Page 145-164, January 2014.

Anti-Semitism in Poland: survey results and a qualitative study of Catholic communities

Nationalities Papers, Volume 42, Issue 1, Page 8-36, January 2014.

A disputed land: Italy, the military inter-allied commission and the plebiscite of Sopron

Nationalities Papers, Volume 42, Issue 1, Page 126-144, January 2014.

Another Baltic Postcolonialism: Young Latvians, Baltic Germans, and the emergence of Latvian National Movement

Nationalities Papers, Volume 42, Issue 1, Page 88-107, January 2014.

Russia and the Baltic states: problematizing the Soviet legacy discourse

Nationalities Papers, Volume 42, Issue 1, Page 1-7, January 2014.

The secret police and the campaign against Galicians in Soviet Ukraine, 1929–1934

Nationalities Papers, Volume 42, Issue 1, Page 37-62, January 2014.

Deborah H. Green: The Aroma of Righteousness: Scent and Seduction in Rabbinic Life and Literature. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2011. pp. xv + 286. Illust.
