Archiv für Januar 2014

The Futures of Qualitative Social Research

In this contribution I begin by reviewing past views on the future of qualitative social research. In different ways, all of these views give the same account of a problematic present state which must be overcome by following their own particular „mand…

„Hope is that fiery feeling“: Using Poetry as Data to Explore the Meanings of Hope for Young People

Poetic inquiry is a contentious area of qualitative research. In this article, we discuss some of the issues plaguing this field of inquiry. We then analyse a collection of poems about hope written by a sample of young people from Tasmania, Australia. The poems were written as part of the 2011 Tree of Hope project, which utilised multiple, arts-based methods to provide insights into what young people hope for in the future and the role of hope in their lives. Participants utilised one of three poetic structures. While each structure produced distinct themes, a connection between „hope and happiness“ overlapped the two structured types of poetry—the acrostic and sense poetry. However, when writing free verse poetry, the expression of additional dimensions of hope, including the flipside of both having hope and losing hope was evident. We conclude that hope is particularly important to young people and that inviting participant-voiced poetry is an effective technique for investigating conceptual topics such as young people and hope.


With the Desert in the Body: Performative Maps of Chilean Youth

To understand ideologies based on gender, this qualitative investigation used a methodological model, based on corporal mapping, interviews, and intertextualized analysis of 47 female students from Antofagasta in the mining zones of northern Chile.  In the interpretive analysis of symbolic elements of body maps in the context of gender socialization it was found that miners (all male) metaphorically view the female body as body/mine,  as penetrable/hole (female as a sexual object) and where treasure/wealth may be extracted. Female corporal expressions, such as agent/transformer, establish a dialogue fraught with tension where the power of the female is disturbing in a culture where the male is dominant.


Conference Report: Nachwuchsnetzwerk [Young Academics Network] NWNW8 – Diversity and Plurality. Theory and Practice in Spatial Science

During the 8th conference of the „Stadt, Raum, Architektur“ [City, Space, Architecture] network, young researchers discussed the topics of diversity and plurality from disciplinary perspectives, ranging from social and spatial sciences to humanities. T…

Rigas Laiks | 1/2014




From “Liberal Minimum” to the “Complete Catalog of Human Rights”: <i>On Central Concepts of Hungarian Postdissident Liberals</i>


The Rise of Danish Agrarian Liberalism


On the Difficulty of Being a National Liberal in Nineteenth-Century Finland


Liberalism’s Historical Diversity <i>A Comparative Conceptual Exploration</i>
