Archiv für Januar 2014


Journal Name: AschkenasVolume: 22Issue: 1-2Pages: i-iv

The Debate About the Jews and Russian Literature (1908) as a Milestone in the History of Theorization of Jewish Literatures

Journal Name: AschkenasVolume: 22Issue: 1-2Pages: 471-483

Dürfen Gesetze unglücklich machen? Sprache, Gewissen und Gesetz bei Moses Mendelssohn

Journal Name: AschkenasVolume: 22Issue: 1-2Pages: 439-469

Syn og Segn | 4/2013


0077 Pavla Machalíková, Handwerklicher Hintergrund und Perspektiven akademischer Studien. Zum Frühwerk Joseph Führichs

The study of the early works by Joseph Führich helps to elucidate his role in the formation of the national schools of painting as understood by the early 19th century. It also reveals the […]

0078 Carla Varela Fernandes, PATHOS – the bodies of Christ on the Cross. Rhetoric of suffering in wooden sculpture found in Portugal, twelfth-fourteenth centuries. A few examples

In Portuguese medieval art, freestanding wooden sculptures representing Christ on the Cross are among the less studied typologies. For this reason, it is important to discuss and question some of the […]

La Revue nouvelle | 1/2014


Glänta | 2-3/2013

Karneval & Bewilder …ment

Host | 10/2013


La Revue nouvelle | 1/2013
