Archiv für Januar 2014

Peeking into the Empires: Dutch Embassies to the Courts of China and Japan

Research Articles
Leonard Blussé,
Itinerario, Volume 37 Issue 03, pp 13-29




Canton and Nagasaki Compared in the Context of Global and World History

Research Articles Haneda Masashi, Itinerario, Volume 37 Issue 03, pp 7-12Abstract

Letter from the Editors

Letter Itinerario, Volume 37 Issue 03, pp 5-5Abstract

Il Mulino | 6/2013


Gegenworte | 30 (2013)


The Fasti’s Celestial World and The Limitations of Astronomical Knowledge

Frederick Kimpton

Classical Philology, Volume 109, Issue 1, Page 26-47, January 2014.

The Arch of Scipio Africanus

Ronald T. Ridley

Classical Philology, Volume 109, Issue 1, Page 11-25, January 2014.

The Wrongful Execution of the Hellênotamiai (Antiphon 5.69–71) and the Lapis Primus

Stephen V. Tracy

Classical Philology, Volume 109, Issue 1, Page 1-10, January 2014.

Nicias’ Illegal Proposal in the Debate about the Sicilian Expedition (Thuc. 6.14)

Edward M. Harris

Classical Philology, Volume 109, Issue 1, Page 66-72, January 2014.

Honorius Triumphant : Poetry and Politics in Claudian’s Wedding Poems

Katherine Wasdin

Classical Philology, Volume 109, Issue 1, Page 48-65, January 2014.