Archiv für Februar 2014

The plantation paradigm: colonial agronomy, African farmers, and the global cocoa boom, 1870s–1940s

Research Articles Corey Ross, Journal of Global History, Volume 9 Issue 01, pp 49-71Abstract

Immigration restriction: rethinking period and place from settler colonies to postcolonial nations

Research Articles Alison Bashford, Journal of Global History, Volume 9 Issue 01, pp 26-48Abstract

Machines, modernity, and sugar: the Greater Caribbean in a global context, 1812–50

Research Articles
José Guadalupe Ortega,
Journal of Global History, Volume 9 Issue 01, pp 1-25


Journal of Global History


Dilema veche | 521 (2014)


Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik | 2/2014


Rediscovering the Umma: Muslims in the Balkans between nationalism and transnationalism

Nationalities Papers, Ahead of Print.

Paul Preston, The Spanish holocaust: inquisition and extermination in twentieth-century Spain (London: Harper Collins, 2012)

Journal of Genocide Research, Volume 16, Issue 1, Page 139-168, March 2014.

Deliberating the Holocaust and the Nakba: disruptive empathy and binationalism in Israel/Palestine

Journal of Genocide Research, Volume 16, Issue 1, Page 77-99, March 2014.

The effects of diplomatic sanctions and engagement on the severity of ongoing genocides or politicides

Journal of Genocide Research, Volume 16, Issue 1, Page 25-53, March 2014.

Beyond Holocaust Studies: rethinking the Holocaust in Hungary

Journal of Genocide Research, Volume 16, Issue 1, Page 1-23, March 2014.