Archiv für April 2014

Sarajevo, 1941–1945: Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Hitler’s Europe

Nationalities Papers, Ahead of Print.

AHY volume 45 Cover and Back matter

Miscellaneous Austrian History Yearbook, Volume 45, pp b1-b4Abstract

AHY volume 45 Cover and Front matter

Miscellaneous Austrian History Yearbook, Volume 45, pp f1-f7Abstract

Weber Matthias, Burkhard Olschowsky, Ivan A. Petranský, Attila Pók, and Andrzej Przewoźnik†, eds. Erinnerungsorte in Ostmitteleuropa. Erfahrungen der Vergangenheit und Perspektiven . Schriften des Bundes Instituts für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen im östlichen Europa, 42. Munich: Oldenbourg Verlag, 2011. Pp. 388, tables.

Book Reviews Harald Wydra, Austrian History Yearbook, Volume 45, pp 277-279Abstract

Tscherkassky Peter, ed. Film Unframed: A History of Austrian Avant-Garde Cinema . Vienna: Austrian Film Museum / sixpackfilm, 2012. Pp. 368, illustrations.

Book Reviews Eva Krivanec, Austrian History Yearbook, Volume 45, pp 276-277Abstract

Stelzl-Marx Barbara. Stalins Soldaten in Österreich: Die Innensicht der sowjetischen Besatzung 1945–1955 . Vienna/Munich: Böhlau/Oldenbourg, 2012. Pp. 865.

Book Reviews Wolfgang Mueller, Austrian History Yearbook, Volume 45, pp 275-276Abstract

Silverman Lisa. Becoming Austrian: Jews and Culture between the World Wars . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. Pp. 334, illus., maps.

Book Reviews Peter Pulzer, Austrian History Yearbook, Volume 45, pp 273-274Abstract

Sayer Derek. Prague, Capital of the Twentieth Century: A Surrealist History . Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2013. Pp. 595, illus.

Book Reviews Chad Bryant, Austrian History Yearbook, Volume 45, pp 272-273Abstract

Risch William Jay. The Ukrainian West. Culture and the Fate of Empire in Soviet Lviv . Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2012. Pp. 360, illus.

Book Reviews Gregor Thum, Austrian History Yearbook, Volume 45, pp 271-272Abstract

Reiter-Zatloukal Ilse, Christiane Rothländer, and Pia Schölnberger, eds. Österreich 1933–1938: Interdisziplinäre Annäherungen an das Dollfuß-/Schuschnigg-Regime . Vienna: Böhlau Verlag, 2012. Pp. 400.

Book Reviews Julie Thorpe, Austrian History Yearbook, Volume 45, pp 269-270Abstract