Archiv für April 2014

Seegel Steven. Mapping Europe’s Borderlands: Russian Cartography in the Age of Empire . Chicago, London: University of Chicago Press, 2012. Pp. 368, illus., maps, tables.

Book Reviews
Börries Kuzmany,
Austrian History Yearbook, Volume 45, pp 239-241


Austrian History Yearbook


Péter László. Hungary’s Long Nineteenth Century: Constitutional and Democratic Traditions in a European Perspective: Collected Studies. Ed. Miklós Lojkó. Central and Eastern Europe: Regional Perspectives in Global Context , vol. 1. Leiden: Brill, 2012. Pp. 477, tables.

Book Reviews
István M. Szijártó,
Austrian History Yearbook, Volume 45, pp 238-239


Austrian History Yearbook


Bruckmüller Ernst, ed. Armut und Reichtum in der Geschichte Österreichs . Vienna: Böhlau Verlag, 2010. Pp. 238.

Book Reviews Edward N. Snyder, Austrian History Yearbook, Volume 45, pp 237-238Abstract

Klemens von Klemperer (1916–2012): In Memoriam

Obituaries Pieter M. Judson, Austrian History Yearbook, Volume 45, pp 233-234Abstract

“… in order to Keep German Soil German”: Austrian Burschenschaften , Nationalist Ethnopolitics and the South Tirol Conflict after 1945

Research Articles Bernhard Weidinger, Austrian History Yearbook, Volume 45, pp 213-230Abstract

The Failure of the Austrian and Yugoslav Police to Repress the Croatian Ustaša in Austria, 1929–1934

Research Articles Mark Lewis, Austrian History Yearbook, Volume 45, pp 186-212Abstract

Ally and Opposition: The Legitimist Movement under the Dollfuß-Schuschnigg Dictatorship

Research Articles Johannes Thaler, Austrian History Yearbook, Volume 45, pp 167-185Abstract

Beyond the “Infamous Concentration Camps of the Old Monarchy”: Jewish Refugee Policy from Wartime Austria-Hungary to Interwar Czechoslovakia

Research Articles
Rebekah Klein-Pejšová,
Austrian History Yearbook, Volume 45, pp 150-166


Austrian History Yearbook


A Thursday Before the War: 28 May 1914 in Vienna

Research Articles Maureen Healy, Austrian History Yearbook, Volume 45, pp 134-149Abstract

Historical Research and Cultural History in Nineteenth-Century Austria: The Archivist Joseph Chmel (1798–1858)

Research Articles Christine Ottner, Austrian History Yearbook, Volume 45, pp 115-133Abstract