Archiv für Juni 2014

Back to the future: E. P. Thompson, Eric Hobsbawm and the remaking of nineteenth-century British history

Social History, Volume 39, Issue 2, Page 149-159, May 2014.

Therapeutic Landscapes: A History of English Hospital Gardens since 1800

Social History, Volume 39, Issue 2, Page 276-277, May 2014.

Student Activism and Civil Rights in Mississippi: Protest Politics and the Struggle for Racial Justice, 1960–1965

Social History, Volume 39, Issue 2, Page 285-287, May 2014.

‘Bats, Rats and Barristers’: The Lancet, libel and the radical stylistics of early nineteenth-century English medicine

Social History, Volume 39, Issue 2, Page 182-209, May 2014.

Eric Hobsbawm, Marxism and social history

Social History, Volume 39, Issue 2, Page 160-171, May 2014.

Portrait of a Party: The Conservative Party in Britain 1918–1945

Social History, Volume 39, Issue 2, Page 289-290, May 2014.

Family Secrets: Shame and Privacy in Modern Britain

Social History, Volume 39, Issue 2, Page 296-298, May 2014.

Open Borders to a Revolution: Culture, Politics and Migration

Social History, Volume 39, Issue 2, Page 283-285, May 2014.

Making Thatcher’s Britain

Social History, Volume 39, Issue 2, Page 290-292, May 2014.

Policing the Factory: Theft, Private Policing and the Law in Modern England

Social History, Volume 39, Issue 2, Page 277-279, May 2014.