Archiv für Juni 2014

Regional security arrangements as a filter for norm diffusion: the African Union, the European Union and the responsibility to protect

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Volume 27, Issue 2, Page 362-380, June 2014.

China goes global: the partial power

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Volume 27, Issue 2, Page 385-387, June 2014.

Liberty abroad: J.S. Mill on international relations

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Volume 27, Issue 2, Page 383-385, June 2014.

The end of power: from boardrooms to battlefields and churches to states, why being in charge isn’t what it used to be

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Volume 27, Issue 2, Page 381-383, June 2014.

Introduction: ‘Inside-out/outside-in’: constructions and practices of security in regional organizations

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Volume 27, Issue 2, Page 289-294, June 2014.

Raymond Aron et l’Europe

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Volume 27, Issue 2, Page 387-389, June 2014.

The global standardization of regional disaster risk management

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Volume 27, Issue 2, Page 319-338, June 2014.

Institutional divergence and convergence in the Asia-Pacific? ASEAN in practice and in theory

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Volume 27, Issue 2, Page 295-318, June 2014.

A letter from the editor

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Volume 27, Issue 2, Page 205-205, June 2014.

Privatsphäre als Menschenrecht

Im Juni 2013 sorgte Edward Snowdens Enthüllung der gigantischen Abhörung durch die US-amerikanische NSA und das britische GCHQ für einen globalen Aufschrei. Ein Jahr danach ist di…