Archiv für Juni 2014

Robert A. Ventresca, Soldier of Christ: The Life of Pope Pius XII; Frank J. Coppa, The Life and Pontificate of Pius XII: Between History and Controversy


Pierre Birnbaum, A Tale of Ritual Murder in the Age of Louis XIV: The Trial of Raphael Levy, 1669


Matthias Reiss and Matt Perry, eds, Unemployment and Protest: New Perspectives on Two Centuries of Contention


Daniela Baratieri, Mark Edele and Giuseppe Finaldi, eds, Totalitarian Dictatorship: New Histories


Matthias Middell and Felix Wemheuer, eds, Hunger and Scarcity Under State-Socialism; Bohdan Klid and Alexander J. Motyl, compilers and eds, The Holodomor Reader: A Sourcebook on the Famine of 1932-1933 in Ukraine


POW ‚Holiday Camps‘ in the Third Reich

Among the vast network of POW camps established in Germany during the Second World War were two quite extraordinary camps known as holiday camps, Ferienlager. One of them was for Other Ranks and was located in Genshagen just outside Berlin; the other,…

Eleanor Hubbard, City Women: Money, Sex, and the Social Order in Early Modern London


Extending Democracy: Railway Workers and the Popular Front in France, 1936-1938

French railway workers played no part in the historic Popular Front strikes and workplace occupations of May–June 1936. Yet, in November 1938, this group of workers placed themselves in the vanguard of attempts to defend the social legislation p…

Kevin Passmore, The Right in France from the Third Republic to Vichy


The Societe Typographique de Neuchatel (STN) and the Politics of the Book Trade in Late Eighteenth-Century Europe, 1769-1789

Disseminating literature in eighteenth-century Europe was an immense and intricate undertaking. This article concentrates on a somewhat neglected facet of the print trade during this age; namely the role and significance of political support and prote…