Process and practice: groupness, ethnicity, and habitus in Carpathian Rus’
Nationalities Papers, Ahead of Print.
Nationalities Papers, Ahead of Print.
Journal Name: New Global StudiesVolume: 8Issue: 2Pages: i-iii
National Identities, Ahead of Print.
Translation Studies, Ahead of Print.
William Morris’s carpet designs have been discussed in terms of design scheme, historical sources, naturalism and abstraction. This essay revisits some of these aspects in order to […]
This paper attempts to bring the world of mid-eighteenth-century British design into fruitful conversation with contemporary art theory and practice. Taking the neighbourhood and milieu of the St Martin’s Lane area in London […]
This article concerns the generation of anti-competitive practices, and the associated discontents, that rose to the fore in the London sculpture trade in the late eighteenth century (1770-1799). It charts the […]
This essay offers a Latourian account of the wood sculptor Nicolas Pineau’s design process via a reading of Jean-François Bastide’s novella La petite maison. It argues that […]
Nach dem Attentat von Sarajevo am 28. Juni 1914 ging es in der sogenannten Julikrise um Krieg und Frieden in Europa, mit dem bekannten verheerenden Ausgang. Hundert Jahre später ist es wied…
Als die Europäische Zentralbank am 5. Juni erneut ihren Leitzins senkte, und zwar von 0,25 auf minimalistische 0,15 Prozent, da war dies Ausdruck von zweierlei – von Mut, aber auch Ve…
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