Archiv für Juli 2014

Claire M. Renzetti: Feminist Criminology. New York u.a.: Routledge 2013.

Das schlanke Buch bietet einen kompakten, aber nuancierten Überblick über feministische Kriminologien. Allerdings beschränkt sich Claire M. Renzetti weitgehend auf eine Analyse des US-amerikanischen Kontexts. Zudem wird gesellschaftliche Restrukturierung vor allem als Wandel des Frauenanteils unter kriminologischen Wissenschaftler_innen, Gesetzesübertretenden sowie Polizeikräften, Richter_innen oder Strafvollzugsbeamt_innen thematisiert, während z. B. Prozesse der Neoliberalisierung keine Berücksichtigung finden. Schließlich fehlen relevante jüngere Ansätze wie Foucault’sche oder neuere materialistische Perspektiven. Insgesamt liefert das Buch damit vor allem bezüglich der Frühphasen feministischer Kriminologie in den USA hilfreiche Einordnungen.

Betraying empire: Translation and the ideology of conquest

Translation Studies, Ahead of Print.


Francia-Recensio 2014/2

When the State Stepped into the Arena: The Swedish Welfare State, Refugees and Immigrants 1930s-50s

Immediately after the Second World War, the Swedish Social Democratic government launched a number of far-reaching social and economic programmes which led to the development of a modern welfare state. At the same time that social policy was increasin…

Prejudiced Asylum: Czechoslovak Refugee Policy, 1918-60

This article examines Czechoslovak refugee policy and particularly reactions to the refugee crises of the late 1930s, after the Anschluss with Austria and the Munich Agreement. As well as facing waves of refugees from Austria, the Sudetenland and else…

Remaking Asylum in Post-War France, 1944-52

This article examines the steps by which asylum and the rights of refugees were remade in France after the Liberation. The legacy of the pre-1940 period, in which exclusive practices such as legislative prohibitions on refugees, expulsion and internme…

Between National and International Mandates: Displaced Persons and Refugees in Postwar Italy

In the years of postwar reconstruction the experience of refugees in Italy was rapidly eclipsed, both in public discourse and in the growing number of studies on war and liberation. The need for resurrection and the desire to dissociate itself, both f…

More and Less Deserving Refugees: Shifting Priorities in Swiss Asylum Policy from the Interwar Era to the Hungarian Refugee Crisis of 1956

In 1956, thousands of Hungarian refugees found a warm welcome in Switzerland. Swiss students took to the streets to demonstrate against Soviet repression of the Hungarian uprising. However, the upsurge of public sympathy for the refugees barely covere…

National Construction Work and Hierarchies of Empathy in Postwar Austria

This article seeks to link Austrian policy and attitudes towards Displaced Persons and refugees with the postwar project of establishing a national identity which was clearly demarcated from National Socialist Germany. Building on critical views of Au…

Refugees and the Nation-State in Europe, 1919-59

This special issue examines how refugees and refugee crises were defined and managed by European nation-states in the four decades after the end of the First World War. Our introduction sketches out the broad historical canvas of the refugee problem i…