Archiv für Juli 2014

Nations, national identity and prestige

National Identities, Volume 16, Issue 2, Page 99-115, June 2014.

Nationalism and the moral psychology of community

National Identities, Volume 16, Issue 2, Page 177-179, June 2014.

Scottish diasporic identities in the Netherlands

National Identities, Volume 16, Issue 2, Page 139-155, June 2014.

Peace, love, depoliticisation and the domestic alien: national identity in the memorial messages collected after the terror attacks in Norway 22 July 2011

National Identities, Volume 16, Issue 2, Page 157-176, June 2014.

Getting over Europe: the construction of Europe in Serbian culture

Nationalities Papers, Ahead of Print.

Beyond the two-state solution – a Jewish political essay

Nationalities Papers, Ahead of Print.

Global health and international relations

Nationalities Papers, Ahead of Print.

Bukharan Jews and the dynamics of global Judaism

Nationalities Papers, Ahead of Print.

Transitional justice in post-communist Romania: the politics of memory

Nationalities Papers, Ahead of Print.

The Political Theology of The Morpeth Review, 1927–1934

The interwar years saw the initiation of a number of important periodicals that reflected the emerging vitality of public intellectual life in Australia. One such publication was The Morpeth Review, a quarterly that appeared between the years 1927 and…