Archiv für Juli 2014

Conveying Knemon (Menander Dyskolos 758)

Shawn O’Bryhim

Classical Philology, Volume 109, Issue 3, Page 263-266, July 2014.

The Vestal Habit

Andrew B. Gallia

Classical Philology, Volume 109, Issue 3, Page 222-240, July 2014.

Seneca on Moral Theory and Moral Improvement

Robert Wagoner

Classical Philology, Volume 109, Issue 3, Page 241-262, July 2014.

Books Received

Classical Philology, Volume 109, Issue 3, Page 282-284, July 2014.

Review: Ovid and Hesiod: The Metamorphosis of the “Catalogue of Women.” By Ioannis Ziogas

Review by: Lee Fratantuono

Classical Philology, Volume 109, Issue 3, Page 270-274, July 2014.

Review: Exemplary Traits: Reading Characterization in Roman Poetry. By J. Mira Seo

Review by: Victoria Rimell

Classical Philology, Volume 109, Issue 3, Page 274-281, July 2014.

Reconstructing Ancient Linen Body Armor: Unraveling the Linothorax Mystery

European Review of History: Revue europeenne d’histoire, Ahead of Print.

Issue 7 | Miscellanea

The Editors of this journal have chosen, with this issue, to operate a momentary shift from the monographic approach that characterized all previous publications. This time ‘Quest’ publishes a collection of eight articles on d…

Volume 89 Issue 03

Speculum, Volume 89 Issue 03

Speculum , published quarterly since 1926, was the first scholarly journal in North America devoted exclusively to the Middle Ages. It is open to contributions in all fields studying the Middle Ages, a period ranging from 500 to 1500. The journal’s primary emphasis is on Western Europe, but Arabic, Byzantine, Hebrew, and Slavic studies are also included. Articles may be submitted on any medieval topic; all disciplines, methodologies, and approaches are welcome, with articles on interdisciplinary topics especially encouraged. The language of publication is English. Speculum


Volume 68 Issue 269

TEMPO, Volume 68 Issue 269 Tempo is the premier English-language journal devoted to twentieth-century and contemporary concert music. Literate and scholarly articles, often illustrated with music examples, explore many aspects of the work of composers…