Archiv für August 2014

From barbarian other to chosen people: the etymology, ideology and evolution of ‘nation’ at the shifting edge of medieval Western Christendom

National Identities, Ahead of Print.

From displaying to becoming national heritage: the case of the Pousadas de Portugal

National Identities, Ahead of Print.

Beacon for change. How the 1951 Festival of Britain shaped the modern age/The Lion and the Unicorn: symbolic architecture for the Festival of Britain 1951

National Identities, Ahead of Print.

‘And ever give us cause’: Understanding the investments of the ‘Ur-anthem’, ‘God Save the King/Queen’

National Identities, Ahead of Print.

Between Darius and Khomeini: exploring Iran’s national identity problematique

National Identities, Ahead of Print.

Sectarian dynamics of multicultural norms and the law in Lebanon: warning for the future of Northern Ireland

National Identities, Ahead of Print.

For kick and country: the 2010 VIVA World Cup and sport as a site for expressions of alternate ‘national’ identities

Volume 16, Issue 4, December 2014, pages 377-393<br/>10.1080/14608944.2014.939621<br/>Russell Field

Skiing and divergent ethnic identities in the multiethnic Northern Norway

Volume 16, Issue 4, December 2014, pages 365-376<br/>10.1080/14608944.2014.939620<br/>Helge Chr. Pedersen

‘What nationality he is doesn’t matter a damn!’ International football, mediated identities and conditional cosmopolitanism

National Identities, Ahead of Print.

Rugby union and globalization: An odd-shaped world

National Identities, Volume 16, Issue 2, pages 188-189, June 2014.