Archiv für August 2014

How Do Gender Values and Household Practices Cohere? Value–Practice Configurations in a Gender-egalitarian Context

NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, Volume 22, Issue 3, pages 219-237, September 2014.

Administrators or Critical Cynics? A Study of Gender Equality Workers in Swedish Higher Education

NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, Volume 22, Issue 3, pages 204-218, September 2014.

Justifications of Gender Equality in Academia: Comparing Gender Equality Policies of Six Scandinavian Universities

NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, Volume 22, Issue 3, pages 187-203, September 2014.

Feminist Discursive Institutionalism—A Poststructural Alternative

NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, Volume 22, Issue 3, pages 170-186, September 2014.


NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, Volume 22, Issue 3, pages 165-169, September 2014.

Understanding the labour–environmental relationship in Britain, 1967–2011: a new narrative using political opportunity structure and coalition theory

Labor History, Ahead of Print.

The European Trade Union Confederation at 40: integration and diversity in the European labor movement

Labor History, Ahead of Print.

Dismissal of strikers and industrial disputes: the 1985–1987 strike and mass sackings at Silentnight

Labor History, Ahead of Print.

What difference does the International Labour Organisation make? Freedom of association norms, supervision and promotion vis-à-vis Brazil

Labor History, Ahead of Print.

The Independent Workers Union: class, nation and oppositional labour movements in Ireland from 1900 to the Celtic Tiger

Labor History, Ahead of Print.