Archiv für August 2014

The Nexus between National Party Preferences and State Elections – A Long-Term Perspective

German Politics, Ahead of Print.

Partisan Dealignment in Germany: A Rejoinder to Russell Dalton

German Politics, Volume 23, Issue 1-2, pages 145-155, March–June 2014.

Interpreting Partisan Dealignment in Germany

German Politics, Volume 23, Issue 1-2, pages 134-144, March–June 2014.

Conflicting Images? Germany and the Rise of China

German Politics, Volume 23, Issue 1-2, pages 118-133, March–June 2014.

When There’s No Easy Way Out: Electoral Law Reform and Ballot Position Effects in the 2011 Hamburg State Elections

German Politics, Volume 23, Issue 1-2, pages 103-117, March–June 2014.

Lessons Learned? German Security Policy and the War in Afghanistan

German Politics, Volume 23, Issue 1-2, pages 78-102, March–June 2014.

National Identities and Mass Belief Systems on Foreign and Security Policy in Germany

German Politics, Volume 23, Issue 1-2, pages 59-77, March–June 2014.

How to Become an Independent Agency: The Creation of the German Federal Network Agency

German Politics, Volume 23, Issue 1-2, pages 43-58, March–June 2014.

A Matter of Timing? A Study of Regional Election Campaigns in Germany

German Politics, Volume 23, Issue 1-2, pages 26-42, March–June 2014.

Social Service Provision in the US and Germany: Convergence or Path Dependency?

German Politics, Volume 23, Issue 1-2, pages 1-25, March–June 2014.