Archiv für August 2014

Democracy promotion in Kosovo: mapping the substance of donor assistance and a comparative analysis of strategies

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Ahead of Print.

Competing perspectives on democracy and democratization: assessing alternative models of democracy promoted in Central Asian states

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Ahead of Print.

Promoting democracy or the external context? Comparing the substance of EU and US democracy assistance in Ethiopia

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Ahead of Print.

International, national or local? Explaining the substance of democracy promotion: the case of Eastern European democracy promotion

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Ahead of Print.

Theorizing national preference formation

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Ahead of Print.

A social theory of war: Clausewitz and war reconsidered

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Ahead of Print.

Internationalism in the age of nationalism

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Volume 27, Issue 2, pages 395-397, June 2014.

The rise of the BRICS in Africa: the geopolitics of south-south relations

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Volume 27, Issue 2, pages 393-395, June 2014.

The EU’s foreign policy: what kind of power and diplomatic action?

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Volume 27, Issue 2, pages 391-393, June 2014.

Blame it on the WTO? A human rights critique

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Volume 27, Issue 2, pages 389-391, June 2014.