Archiv für September 2014

(F.) Giordano Percorsi testuali oraziani. Tra intertestualità critica del testo ed esegesi . (Edizioni e Saggi Universitari di Filologia Classica 68.) Pp. 127.Bologna:Pàtron Editore,2013. Paper, €12. ISBN:978-88-555-3190-0.

Book Reviews L.B.T. Houghton, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 627-628Abstract

(V.) Fabrizi Mores veteresque novosque. Rappresentazioni del passato e del presente di Roma negliAnnales di Ennio . (Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università di Pavia 125.) Pp. 252.Pisa:Edizioni ETS,2012. Paper, €22. ISBN:978-88-467-3454-9.

Book Reviews Sander M. Goldberg, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 626-627Abstract

(C.) Jacob The Web of Athenaeus . Translated byArietta Papaconstantinou. Edited byScott Fitzgerald Johnson. (Hellenic Studies 61.) Pp. x + 139, fig.Washington, D.C.:Center for Hellenic Studies,2013. Paper, £14.95, US$19.95. ISBN:978-0-674-07328-9.

Book Reviews Dirk Uwe Hansen, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 626-626Abstract

(C.) Natali Aristotle. His Life and School . Edited byD.S. Hutchinson. Pp. xx + 219.Princeton and Oxford:Princeton University Press,2013 (originally published asBios theoretikos, 1991). Cased, £19.95, US$29.95. ISBN:978-0-691-09653-7.

Book Reviews Christian Pfeiffer, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 625-625Abstract

ANCIENT ROME AS A PARADIGM FOR THE EU? (D.) Engels Le déclin. La crise de l’Union européenne et la chute de la République romaine – quelques analogies historiques . Pp. 384, maps.Paris:Éditions du Toucan,2012. Paper, €20. ISBN:978-2-8100-0524-6.

Book Reviews
Manuel Tröster,
The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 622-624


The Classical Review


JUSTIFYING PRIVATE PROPERTY. (P.) Garnsey Penser la propriété. De l’Antiquité jusqu’à l’ère des revolutions . Translated byAlexandre Hasnaoui. (Histoire 118.) pp. 366.Paris:Les Belles Lettres,2013 (originally published asThinking about Property. From Antiquity to the Age of Revolution, 2007). Paper, €26.90. ISBN:978-2-251-38118-3.

Book Reviews Benjamin Straumann, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 620-622Abstract

MANUSCRIPT ILLUSTRATIONS. (A.) Claridge,(I.) Herklotz Classical Manuscript Illustrations . (The Paper Museum of Cassiano dal Pozzo Series A: Antiquities and Architecture 6.) Pp. viii + 413, b/w & colour ills.London:The Royal Collection in association with Harvey Miller Publishers,2012. Cased, €141. ISBN:978-1-905375-76-9.

Book Reviews Jeroen de Keyser, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 618-620Abstract

DR HEERKENS. (Y.) Haskell Prescribing Ovid. The Latin Works and Networks of the Enlightened Dr Heerkens . Pp. xii + 268, ills.London and New York:Bloomsbury Academic,2013. Cased, £70. ISBN:978-0-7156-3723-4.

Book Reviews James Horowitz, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 616-618Abstract

VIRGIL’S PRESENCE . (F.) Cox Sibylline Sisters. Virgil’s Presence in Contemporary Women’s Writing . Pp. xii + 284.Oxford:Oxford University Press,2011. Cased, £58, US$99. ISBN:978-0-19-958296-9.

Book Reviews George Kalogeris, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 614-616Abstract

AMERICAN PLATO. (A.) Tucker Plato for Everyone . Pp. 256.Amherst, N.Y.:Prometheus,2013. Paper, US$21. ISBN:978-1-61614-654-2.

Book Reviews Andrea Tschemplik, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 612-614Abstract