Archiv für September 2014

PLATO VS THE REST. (A.) Schmitt Modernity and Plato. Two Paradigms of Rationality . Translated byVishwa Adluri with the assistance ofChristine Melchart andJoydeep Bagchee. Pp. xlii + 592.Rochester, NY:Camden House,2012 (originally published asDie Moderne und Platon. Zwei Grundformen europäischer Rationalität,second edition 2008). Cased, £65, US$99. ISBN:978-1-57113-497-4.

Book Reviews E.C. Park, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 610-612Abstract

POSTMODERN ANTIGONES . (S.E.) Wilmer,(A.) Žukauskaitė (edd.) Interrogating Antigone in Postmodern Philosophy and Criticism . Pp. xiv + 429, ills.Oxford:Oxford University Press,2010. Cased, £92, US$150. ISBN:978-0-19-955921-3.

Book Reviews
Andrés Fabián Henao Castro,
The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 608-610


The Classical Review


ANTIGONE AND DEMOCRATIC THEORY. (B.) Honig Antigone, Interrupted . Pp. xviii + 321, ill.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2013. Paper, £18.99, US$29.99 (Cased, £55, US$85). ISBN:978-1-107-66815-7 (978-1-107-03697-0 hbk).

Book Reviews
Andrés Fabián Henao Castro,
The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 606-608


The Classical Review


POSTCOLONIAL ODYSSEY . (J.) McConnell Black Odysseys. The HomericOdyssey in the African Diaspora since 1939 . Pp. x + 312, ills.Oxford:Oxford University Press,2013. Cased, £65, US$125. ISBN:978-0-19-960500-2.

Book Reviews Leah Culligan Flack, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 603-605Abstract

CLASSICAL TRANSLATION AND TRADITION. (J.) Parker,(T.) Mathews (edd.) Tradition, Translation, Trauma. The Classic and the Modern . Pp. xvi + 358, ills.Oxford:Oxford University Press,2011. Cased, £78, US$125. ISBN:978-0-19-955459-1.

Book Reviews Geoffrey Miles, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 601-603Abstract

CLASSICS IN ENGLISH TRANSLATION. (S.) Gillespie English Translation and Classical Reception. Towards a New Literary History . Pp. x + 208.Malden, MA and Oxford:Wiley–Blackwell,2011. Cased, £72.50, €87, US$115.95. ISBN:978-1-4051-9901-8.

Book Reviews Emma Buckley, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 599-601Abstract

ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE ROMAN WEST. (S.) Esmonde Cleary The Roman West, ad 200–500. An Archaeological Study . Pp. xvi + 533, figs, ills, maps.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2013. Cased, £75, US$120. ISBN:978-0-521-19649-9.

Book Reviews Douglas Underwood, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 597-599Abstract

C.I.I./P. II . (W.) Ameling,(H.M.) Cotton,(W.) Eck,(B.) Isaac,(A.) Kushnir-Stein,(H.) Misgav,(J.) Price,(A.) Yardeni (edd.) Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae. Volume II: Caesarea and the Middle Coast 1121–2160 . With Contributions by R. Daniel, A. Ecker, M. Shenkar and C. Sode. With the Assistance of M. Heimbach, D. Koßmann and N. Schneider. Pp. xxiv + 923, ills, maps.Berlin and Boston:De Gruyter,2011. Cased, €169.95, US$255. ISBN:978-3-11-022217-3.

Book Reviews John Curran, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 595-597Abstract

SCULPTURE FROM ROME AND TIVOLI. (F.) Duthoy Sculpteurs et Commanditaires au IIe siècle après J.-C. Rome et Tivoli . (Collection de l’École Française de Rome 465.) Pp. viii + 198, pls.Rome:École Française de Rome,2012. Paper, €68. ISBN:978-2-7283-0928-3.

Book Reviews Ben Russell, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 593-595Abstract

PORTRAITS ON SARCOPHAGI. (S.) Birk Depicting the Dead. Self-representation and Commemoration on Roman Sarcophagi with Portraits . (Aarhus Studies in Mediterranean Antiquity 11.) Pp. 333, b/w & colour figs, b/w & colour ills.Aarhus:Aarhus University Press,2013. Cased, DKK349.95. ISBN:978-87-7124-018-4.

Book Reviews Ben Russell, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 591-593Abstract