Archiv für September 2014

ANCIENT MEDICINE. (V.) Nutton Ancient Medicine .Second edition. Pp. xiv + 488, ills, maps.London and New York:Routledge,2013 (first edition 2004). Paper, £28.99, US$46.95 (Cased, £90, US$150). ISBN:978-0-415-52095-9 (978-0-415-52094-2 hbk).

Book Reviews Chiara Ferella, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 525-526Abstract

DOCUMENTS ON EARLY CHRISTIANITY. (S.R.) Llewelyn,(J.R.) Harrison (edd.) A Review of the Greek and Other Inscriptions and Papyri Published between 1988 and 1992 . Associate editor E.J. Bridge. (New Documents Illustrating Early Christianity 10.) Pp. x + 269, figs.Grand Rapids, MI:W.B. Eerdmans, in association with Macquarie University,2012. Paper, £26.99, US$40. ISBN:978-0-8028-4520-7.

Book Reviews Nicola Spanu, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 523-524Abstract

POST-CLASSICAL POLIS EPIGRAPHY. (P.) Martzavou,(N.) Papazarkadas (edd.) Epigraphical Approaches to the Post-Classical Polis. Fourth Century bc to Second Century ad . Pp. xx + 370, ills, maps.Oxford:Oxford University Press,2013. Cased, £90, US$160. ISBN:978-0-19-965214-3.

Book Reviews William Mack, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 521-523Abstract

ISIS. (L.) Bricault (trans.) Les Cultes isiaques dans le monde gréco-romain . (La Roue à Livres 66.) Pp. 575, ills, maps. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2013. Paper, €35. ISBN:978-2-251-33969-6.

Book Reviews Katherine Crawford, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 519-521Abstract

ARSINOË II. (E.D.) Carney Arsinoë of Egypt and Macedon. A Royal Life . Pp. xx + 215, ills, map.New York:Oxford University Press,2013. Paper, £17.99, US$27.95 (Cased, £60, US$99). ISBN:978-0-19-536551-1 (978-0-19-536552-8 hbk).

Book Reviews Ryan Boehm, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 517-519Abstract

THE FAR EAST. (G.) Coedès Texts of Greek and Latin Authors on the Far East from the 4th C. b.c.e . to the 14th C. c.e . I. Texts and Translations . Texts revised and translated byJohn Sheldon. With contributions by Samuel N.C. Lieu and Gregory Fox. (Studia Antiqua Australiensia 4.) Pp. xl + 185, maps.Turnhout:Brepols,2010. Paper, €65. ISBN:978-2-503-53366-7.

Book Reviews Raoul McLaughlin, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 514-516Abstract

INSCRIPTIONS FROM DELPHI. (A.) Jacquemin,(D.) Mulliez,(G.) Rougemont Choix d’inscriptions de Delphes, traduites et commentées . (Études Épigraphiques 5.) Pp. 563, ills, maps.Athens:École Française d’Athènes,2012. Paper, €50. ISBN:978-2-86958-248-4.

Book Reviews Joseph W. Day, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 512-514Abstract

EMOTIONS IN CLASSICAL GREECE. (A.) Chaniotis (ed.) Unveiling Emotions. Sources and Methods for the Study of Emotions in the Greek World . (Habes 52.) Pp. 490, ills, maps.Stuttgart:Franz Steiner,2012. Paper, €69. ISBN:978-3-515-10226-1.

Book Reviews Francoise Mirguet, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 510-512Abstract

MOLOSSIA. (E.A.) Meyer The Inscriptions of Dodona and a New History of Molossia . (Habes 54.) Pp. 201, ills, maps.Stuttgart:Franz Steiner,2013. Paper, €39. ISBN:978-3-515-10311-4.

Book Reviews Yannis D. Nakas, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 508-510Abstract

ATHENIAN SOCIAL MEMORY. (B.) Steinbock Social Memory in Athenian Public Discourse. Uses and Meanings of the Past . Pp. xii + 411, ills, map.Ann Arbor:The University of Michigan Press,2013. Cased, US$85. ISBN:978-0-472-11832-8.

Book Reviews Julia L. Shear, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 506-508Abstract