Archiv für September 2014

CULTURAL MEMORY. (E.) Franchi,(G.) Proietti (edd.) Forme della memoria e dinamiche identitarie nell’antichità greco-romana . (Quaderni 2.) Pp. 308.Trento:Università degli Studi di Trento, Dipartimento di Filosofia, Storia e Beni Culturali,2012. Paper, €13. ISBN:978-88-8443-447-0.

Book Reviews Scott J. DiGiulio, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 504-506Abstract

STATUS GROUPS IN ATHENS. (D.) Kamen Status in Classical Athens . Pp. xvi + 144.Princeton and Oxford:Princeton University Press,2013. Cased, £24.95, US$35. ISBN:978-0-691-13813-8.

Book Reviews Michael Scott, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 502-504Abstract

MORE SEX IN ATHENS. (J.) Robson Sex and Sexuality in Classical Athens . Pp. xxiv + 311, ills.Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press,2013. Paper, £24.99 (Cased, £80). ISBN:978-0-7486-3414-9 (978-0-7486-3413-2 hbk).

Book Reviews Kirk Ormand, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 500-502Abstract

ANCIENT DRESS. (F.) Gherchanoc,(V.) Huet (edd.) Vêtements antiques. S’habiller, se déshabiller dans les mondes anciens . Pp. 282, b/w & colour ills.Arles:Éditions Errance,2012. Cased, €42. ISBN:978-2-87772-498-2.

Book Reviews Carly Daniel-Hughes, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 498-500Abstract

SYMPOSIUM PAPERS ON GREEK RELIGION. (M.) Haysom,(J.) Wallensten (edd.) Current Approaches to Religion in Ancient Greece .Papers Presented at a Symposium at the Swedish Institute at Athens, 17–19 April 2008. (Skrifter Utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen, 8o, 21.) Pp. 312, b/w & colour ills, maps.Stockholm:Svenska Institutet i Athen,2011. Paper. ISBN:978-91-7916-059-3.

Book Reviews Irene Polinskaya, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 495-498Abstract

ATHENS AND THRACE. (M.A.) Sears Athens, Thrace, and the Shaping of Athenian Leadership . Pp. xvi + 328, ills, maps.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2013. Cased, £60, US$95. ISBN:978-1-107-03053-4.

Book Reviews Lisa Kallet, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 493-495Abstract

PLATAEA. (P.) Cartledge After Thermopylae. The Oath of Plataea and the End of the Graeco-Persian Wars . Pp. xxx + 203, ills, maps.New York:Oxford University Press,2013. Cased, £16.99, US$24.95. ISBN:978-0-19-974732-0.

Book Reviews Janett Morgan, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 491-493Abstract

SPARTAN ROADS. (Y.A.) Pikoulas Τὸ ὁδικὸ δίκτυο τῆς Λακωνικῆς (The Road-network of Lakonikē). Pp. 708 +  dvd , ills, maps.Athens:Horos,2012. Cased, €100. ISBN:978-960-85691-5-7.

Book Reviews James Roy, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 489-491Abstract

HOPLITES. (D.) Kagan,(G.F.) Viggiano (edd.) Men of Bronze. Hoplite Warfare in Ancient Greece . Pp. xxvi + 286, figs, ills, maps.Princeton and Oxford:Princeton University Press,2013. Cased, £24.95, US$35. ISBN:978-0-691-14301-9.

Book Reviews Leonhard Burckhardt, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 487-489Abstract

GREEK TYRANTS 2 AND 3. (F.) Canali De Rossi Tiranni, legislatori e giudici nella Grecia arcaica . (Fare Storia 2.) Pp. xiv + 146.Rome:Scienze e Lettere,2012. Paper, €40. ISBN:978-88-6687-020-3. (F.) Canali De Rossi La fine della tirannide . (Fare Storia 3.) Pp. xiv + 154.Rome:Scienze e Lettere,2013. Paper, €40. ISBN:978-88-6687-027-2.

Book Reviews
Adolfo J. Domínguez,
The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 485-487


The Classical Review
