Archiv für September 2014

THE SECOND SOPHISTIC AND MORE. (T.) Whitmarsh Beyond the Second Sophistic. Adventures in Greek Postclassicism . Pp. xiv + 278.Berkeley, Los Angeles and London:University of California Press,2013. Cased, £34.95, US$49.95. ISBN:978-0-520-27681-9.

Book Reviews Christopher P. Jones, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 423-425Abstract

REAL AND IDEAL IN THE NOVEL. (M.) Paschalis,(S.) Panayotakis (edd.) The Construction of the Real and the Ideal in the Ancient Novel . (Ancient Narrative Supplementum 17.) Pp. xvi + 312, figs, colour ills, maps.Groningen:Barkhuis Publishing and Groningen University Library,2013. Cased, €80. ISBN:978-94-9143-125-8.

Book Reviews Stephen A. Nimis, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 421-423Abstract

THE DIOGNETUS . (C.N.) Jefford (ed., trans.) The Epistle to Diognetus (with the Fragment of Quadratus) . Pp. x + 281.Oxford:Oxford University Press,2013. Cased, £100, US$185. ISBN:978-0-19-921274-3.

Book Reviews Bradley J. Bitner, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 419-421Abstract

PLUTARCH’S DEMOSTHENES AND CICERO. (A.) Lintott (trans.) Plutarch: Demosthenes and Cicero . Pp. xii + 227.Oxford:Oxford University Press,2013. Paper, £19.99, US$35 (Cased, £55, US$99). ISBN:978-0-19-969972-8 (978-0-19-969971-1 hbk).

Book Reviews Lucy E. Fletcher, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 417-419Abstract

POLYBIAN ESSAYS FOR F.W. WALBANK. (B.) Gibson,(T.) Harrison (edd.) Polybius and his World. Essays in Memory of F.W. Walbank . Pp. 416, figs, ill.Oxford:Oxford University Press,2013. Cased, £85, US$150. ISBN:978-0-19-960840-9.

Book Reviews Paul Burton, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 415-417Abstract

POLYBIUS. (B.) Dreyer Polybios . (Studienbücher Antike 4.) Pp. vi + 194, ill.Hildesheim, Zurich and New York:Georg Olms,2011. Paper, €18. ISBN:978-3-487-14717-8.

Book Reviews Nicolas Wiater, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 413-415Abstract

ERATOSTHENES. (J.) Pàmias I Massana (ed.),(A.) Zucker (trans.) Ératosthène de Cyrène:Catastérismes . (Collection des Universités de France publiée sous le patronage de l’Association Guillaume Budé 497.) Pp. cxxii + 423.Paris:Les Belles Lettres,2013. Paper, €75. ISBN:978-2-251-00582-9.

Book Reviews Alexandra Trachsel, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 411-413Abstract

MENANDER. (C.) Austin (ed.) Menander. Eleven Plays . (Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society, Supplementary Volume 37.) Pp. xviii + 84.Cambridge:The Cambridge Philological Society,2013. Paper, £20. ISBN:978-0-9568381-2-4.

Book Reviews Sarah Miles, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 409-411Abstract

HANSEN ON POLITICS . (M.H.) Hansen Reflections on Aristotle’sPolitics . Pp. viii + 127.Copenhagen:Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen,2013. Paper, €27, US$35. ISBN:978-87-635-4062-9.

Book Reviews Steven Skultety, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 407-409Abstract

ARISTOTELIAN AESTHETICS. (M.-A.) Zagdoun L’Esthétique d’Aristote . Pp. 280.Paris:CNRS Éditions,2011. Paper, €25. ISBN:978-2-271-07256-6.

Book Reviews Suzanne Stern-Gillet, The Classical Review, Volume 64 Issue 02, pp 405-407Abstract