Research Articles Marloes Deene, Greece & Rome, Volume 61 Issue 02, pp 152-173Abstract
Research Articles Marloes Deene, Greece & Rome, Volume 61 Issue 02, pp 152-173Abstract
Research Articles Sophie J. V. Mills, Greece & Rome, Volume 61 Issue 02, pp 147-151Abstract
Miscellaneous Greece & Rome, Volume 61 Issue 02, pp b1-b12Abstract
Miscellaneous Greece & Rome, Volume 61 Issue 02, pp f1-f5Abstract
European Review of History: Revue européenne d’histoire, Ahead of Print.
The Earthquake Observers: Disaster Science from Lisbon to Richter, Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press 2013. 348 S., geb., $ 35,00. ISBN 978-0-226-11181-0.
Briefwechsel. Hrsg. von Oliver Schwarz und Ingo Schwarz unter Mitarbeit von Eberhard Knobloch, (Beiträge zur Alexander-von-Humboldt-Forschung; 37) Berlin: Akademie Verlag 2013. 558 S., zahlr. Abb., geb., € 99,95. ISBN 978-3-05-006083-5.
Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2013. 314 S., geb., € 42,00. ISBN 978-3-447-10006-9. Daniel Stolzenberg, Egyptian Oedipus: Athanasius Kircher and the Secrets of Antiquity, Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press 2013. XI, 307 S., Ill., $ 50,00. …
(Sudhoffs Archiv; Beiheft 61) Stuttgart: Franz Steiner 2013. 493 S., zahlr. Abb. u. Tab., kart., € 74,00. ISBN 978-3-515-10468-5.
Systems, Boundaries and Resources: The Lexicographer Gerhard Wahrig (1923–1978) and the Genesis of his Project “Dictionary as Database”. Gerhard Wahrig’s private archive has recently been retrieved by the authors and their siblings. We undertake a first survey of the unpublished material and concentrate on those aspects of Wahrig’s bio-ergography which stand in relation to his life project “dictionary as database”, realised shortly before his death. We argue that this project was conceived in the 1950s, while Wahrig was writing and editing dictionaries and encyclopedias for the Bibliographisches Institut in Leipzig. Wahrig, who had been a wireless operator in WWII, was well informed about the development of computers in West Germany. He was influenced both by Ferdinand de Saussure and by the discussion on language and structure in the Soviet Union. When he crossed the German/German border in 1959, he experienced mechanisms of exclusion before he could establish himself in the West as a lexicographer. We argue that the transfer of symbolic and human capital was problematic due to the cultural differences between the two Germanies. In the 1970s, he became a professor of General and Applied Linguistics. The project of a “dictionary as database” was intended both as a basis for extensive empirical research on the semantic structure of natural languages and as a working tool for the average user of the German language. Due to his untimely death, he could not pursue his idea of exploring semantic networks.
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