Archiv für September 2014

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Combating Prejudice and Protectionism in American Medicine: The Physicians Committee’s Fight for Refugees from Nazism, 1939-1945

No lobby reacted with more hostility to Jewish refugees from Nazi-dominated Europe than did the medical profession, yet refugee physicians ultimately fared better than any other occupational group. The counter-campaign waged by a group of American doc…

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„Everything had ended and everything was beginning again“: The Public Politics of Rebuilding Private Homes in Postwar Paris

Between January 1942 and August 1944, the Nazis stripped more than 38,000 „abandoned“ Jewish apartments in Paris of furniture and other goods and shipped most of the stolen items to Germany. Following the liberation of the capital in August 1944, Jewi…

„The people must be forced to go to Palestine“: Rabbi Abraham Klausner and the She’erit Hapletah in Germany

American rabbi Abraham Klausner played a vital role in rebuilding Jewish communal life in Germany during the first few years after World War II, advocating on behalf of survivors before U.S. military authorities, securing much-needed supplies, publish…

Passage | 71 (2014)


Religious Reforming Currents in Sixteenth-Century Italy: The Spirituali and the Tridentine Debates over Church Reform

The history of religious reform in sixteenth century Italy has been the subject of much scholarly debate in recent decades, as well as uncertainty about how best to conceptualise the period, so indelibly marked by epoch-changing events, such as the Pr…


History and Memory, Volume 26, Issue 2, Page 162, October 2014.

“Un oubli total du passé”? The Political and Social Construction of Silence in Restoration Europe (1813–1830)

Matthijs M. Lok

History and Memory, Volume 26, Issue 2, Page 40-75, October 2014.